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How to cook mozzarella cheese yourself

How to cook mozzarella cheese yourself
How to cook mozzarella cheese yourself

Video: How to make Mozzarella Cheese at home | Homemade Mozzarella Cheese recipe by Cook With Us 2024, July

Video: How to make Mozzarella Cheese at home | Homemade Mozzarella Cheese recipe by Cook With Us 2024, July

Mozzarella is an Italian cheese that has become an integral symbol of this country. It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without it. Cheese is added to a variety of dishes: soups, salads, spaghetti, pastas, casseroles, tagliatelle, mushroom phytouchini, pastries.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • one liter of milk;
    • 1.5 teaspoons of water;
    • one tablespoon of salt;
    • one tablespoon of lemon juice;
    • rennet pepsin.

Instruction manual


In half a glass of water, dilute pepsin in a small amount of rennet.


Take one liter of milk and heat it to seventy degrees. Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and dilute it in water with the enzyme.


In the heated milk, add the diluted enzyme with lemon juice and carefully transfer.


Do not bring the mixture to a boil, because the whey begins to instantly separate. Drain the resulting whey, and squeeze the resulting cheese by hand (in order not to get burned during this procedure, be sure to put on protective gloves on your hands).


Take the pan, fill it with water and heat the water to ninety degrees, then remove the pan from the heat and salt the water.


Dip the cheese into the pan for a few minutes, it should become very viscous and soft. Knead and stretch the cheese several times, dipping in hot water for several minutes.


When the cheese mass becomes homogeneous, put it on a cutting board, mash it with your fingers and fold it with an envelope. Then again immerse the mass in hot water to soften.


Cover the table with cling film. Remove the cheese from the hot water. Roll a sausage from the cheese mass.


Form balls from the "sausage". To do this, put the mass on the table and wrap it tightly with cling film, tightly tie the "sausage" with knots of thin rope. Throw the resulting balls into ice water to cool the cheese.


Store mozzarella cheese for no more than two days in the refrigerator in slightly salted water so that it does not deteriorate.


Do not cook mozzarella cheese more than you can eat in the coming days, because it is added to dishes only fresh.

Useful advice

In order to get mazzarella cheese of a different shape, you can use baking tins.

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