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How to cook fishcakes for a one year old baby

How to cook fishcakes for a one year old baby
How to cook fishcakes for a one year old baby

Table of contents:

Video: Fish Cakes | 10m+, toddler & kids | Baby and toddler lunch ideas | Kids Dinner Ideas | toddler food 2024, July

Video: Fish Cakes | 10m+, toddler & kids | Baby and toddler lunch ideas | Kids Dinner Ideas | toddler food 2024, July

After the first birthday, the baby becomes more choosy in nutrition, taste preferences begin to form in him, so it is very important to start introducing “adult” dishes into the children's diet at this age. Try cooking fishcakes for a one-year-old baby.


Pick your recipe

Steam fish cakes for a one year old baby


- 320 g of fish fillet (hake, cod, pollock, pingassius, etc.);

- a slice of white bread;

- 1 chicken egg;

- 100 ml of milk 3.2% fat for baby food;

- a pinch of salt.

Carefully scan the fillet for small bones, remove them with tweezers. Soak the bread in milk. Pass everything through the meat grinder twice. Salt the minced meat, add the egg whipped separately with a whisk. Stir the minced meat thoroughly with a spoon or hand. Dip your fingers in warm water and form cutlets the size of walnuts. Put them on a wire rack and cook for 20-25 minutes. Instead of special equipment, you can use a regular colander by placing it on a steam bath.

Braised fishcakes for a one year old baby


- 300 g of fish fillet;

- 1 chicken egg;

- 300 ml of water;

- 40 ml of milk;

- 25 g of semolina;

- 10 g butter;

- 1 carrot;

- 1 small onion;

- 1/2 tsp Sahara;

- 1/3 tsp salt.

Grind the fish fillet in a meat grinder, bowl of a blender or food processor. Pour semolina into warm milk, stir and leave for 5-10 minutes. Peel the onion and grate it on a fine grater. Shake the egg with a fork. Melt the butter. Mix all the prepared ingredients in one dish, bring the mass to homogeneity, season with sugar and salt. Cut carrots into thin transverse circles.

Place a medium pot of water on the stove. Boil the liquid and lower to the bottom half of a portion of carrot plates. Roll the balls in the palms of the minced meat, flatten them, gently lay on a layer of orange vegetable and cover with the rest of it. Simmer the dish for 20-25 minutes over moderate heat, remove the cutlets with a slotted spoon. Serve them warm or cold, they are equally tasty in any form.

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