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How to cook pilaf with mushrooms

How to cook pilaf with mushrooms
How to cook pilaf with mushrooms

Video: Peeled Wheat Pilaf with Mushrooms Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show 2024, July

Video: Peeled Wheat Pilaf with Mushrooms Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show 2024, July

Pilaf is a dish that is loved by both children and adults. During fasting, you can cook pilaf with mushrooms and please everyone with a unique taste of a lean dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 tbsp of rice;

  • - 250 g of mushrooms;

  • - 1 carrot;

  • - 1 onion;

  • - 1 clove of garlic.

Instruction manual


First, rinse thoroughly with rice until the water is clear.


Then fill it with warm water and let stand for half an hour.


At this time, peel the carrots and grate it.


Peel and finely chop the onion.


Then take a thick-walled saucepan and pour oil into it. After that, warm it well and fry the onions until golden.


Then add the carrots and continue frying until the carrots are soft.


Rinse fresh mushrooms with water and cut into slices. If you have dried mushrooms, then they first need to let stand for about an hour in warm water.


Send the mushrooms to the onions with carrots and fry for ten minutes.

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