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How to cook matnakash

How to cook matnakash
How to cook matnakash

Video: Matnakash - Bread Drawn by Fingers 2024, July

Video: Matnakash - Bread Drawn by Fingers 2024, July

Matnakash is a very tasty, airy and unusually tender Armenian bread, which is quite easy to prepare. Take your time and bake this wonderful pastry.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - wheat flour - 500 g;

  • - dry yeast - 1 teaspoon with a hill;

  • - sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;

  • - salt - 2 teaspoons;

  • - warm water - 350-400 ml;

  • - vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

Instruction manual


First, pass the wheat flour through a sieve into a sufficiently deep cup. Thanks to this procedure, the matnakash will turn out to be very tender and airy, since the flour will be saturated with oxygen.


After pouring warm water into a deep-bottomed dish, add the following components to it: dry yeast, sifted wheat flour, granulated sugar and salt. Knead the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. Then cover the cup with the formed dough on top with cling film and set it aside in a rather warm place for 60 minutes.


After the time has passed, lower the dough that has risen 2 times with your palms, soak them with water, and knead it for several more minutes. After this procedure, set the dough back in heat for about half an hour.


Dividing the approached dough into two identical parts, form each in the shape of a ball. Let the dough stand for one quarter of an hour.


Having laid out one of the parts of the dough on a richly greased baking sheet, form a cake out of it, apply a small amount of water on its surface and carefully make grooves in a circle and along the figure. Send the Armenian bread in this form to the oven, the temperature of which is 220 degrees, for about 20 minutes.


When the first matnakash is baked, cook the second one in exactly the same way.


Serve the pastries in the warm form. Matnakash is ready!

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