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How to Make Poppy for Kutya

How to Make Poppy for Kutya
How to Make Poppy for Kutya

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Video: How to Draw a Labrador | Golden Retriever Puppy Easy 2024, July

A ceremonial Christmas dish - kutya necessarily contains poppy, which symbolizes wealth in the family. But it is not just poured into kutya, but specially prepared for this. And here there are a few tricks to make the poppy tasty and fragrant, and not grit on your teeth.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • poppy - 150-200 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • salt to taste.

Instruction manual


Pour poppy washed with hot water with boiling water and leave to cool. Water should cover it for 2-3 fingers. During this time, the poppy will swell and it can be rubbed between the fingers. Drain the cooled water, but leave it a little, otherwise the poppy will be too dry. If there is no patience to wait until the water has cooled, you can boil the poppy for about half an hour and then cool in cold water.


Put three tablespoons of poppy seeds in the makitra and start rubbing with makogon. If there is no such cookware, you can use an ordinary small pot and a wooden crush. After isolating poppy milk, add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the makitra and grind further, while the poppy will darken again. Transfer well-ground poppy seeds to another bowl and grind a new serving in the same way. Do this until you have prepared the entire poppy for kutya. Add salt if you want.


If you don’t want to rub the poppy in the old way, then pass it through the meat grinder several times or use a blender. When the poppy turns white from poppy milk, it means that the poppy seeds have opened, which is what is required. Sugar is not necessary to add, just put in honey only honey when you mix all the ingredients.


Combine the prepared poppy with boiled grain, nuts, raisins and honey just before serving kutia on the table and mix well. You can add cinnamon to it, this spice goes well with all the ingredients and enhances the poppy flavor. Christmas carrot served cold.


The taste of grinded poppy is better than that of a minced one.

Ready good poppy is viscous, sweet and has a pleasant smell. If it is bitter, it means that it was cooked incorrectly - it was not steamed enough.

Kutia is made from different grains - most often wheat, rice, oats or barley, but poppy is invariably included in its composition.

Useful advice

Choose a large poppy without impurities in the store. When washing, most of the garbage is removed, but a little still remains.

Poppy seeds are larger in blue confectionery poppy.

  • Restaurateur. Article: "Kutya Recipes".
  • cooking poppy

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