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How to make Raffaello sweets at home

How to make Raffaello sweets at home
How to make Raffaello sweets at home

Video: How to make homemade Coconut Raffaello Balls | HappyFoods 2024, July

Video: How to make homemade Coconut Raffaello Balls | HappyFoods 2024, July

Raffaello sweets leave few indifferent, because they strike the sweet tooth with their deliciously delicate taste. I propose to cook this delicacy at home. Of course, the taste will be slightly different from the purchased sweets, but it will still be amazing!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - condensed milk - 380 g;

  • - coconut flakes - 250 g;

  • - butter - 50 g;

  • - almonds - 30 pcs.;

  • - vanillin - a pinch.

Instruction manual


Pour coconut flakes into a separate rather deep bowl. Do not forget to leave a small portion of coconut flakes to sprinkle future sweets.


Butter, pre-melted with a water bath, add to the coconut flakes along with vanilla. Mix everything properly.


Add the condensed milk to the formed mass. Just before doing this, let the condensed milk warm to room temperature. Mix everything as it should. As a result, you should get a rather thick mixture. Cover it with polyethylene or cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 7 hours. It is most convenient to leave the mixture overnight.


If you bought unpeeled almonds, peel it. To do this, pour the stone fruits with boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After time, remove them from the water. After this procedure, the skin is removed quite easily.


Next, lay the almonds in a clean, dry pan and place on the stove for about 3 minutes. Thus, it will dry out.


From a chilled coconut mixture, pinch a small piece and form a cake out of it. Then put the dried almonds in its center. Gently wrap it. As a result, you should get a fairly even coconut ball. In the same way, make the rest of the Raffaello sweets. You should have 30 of them.


Roll the resulting balls thoroughly in pre-left coconut flakes, and then place them in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours. Homemade Raffaello sweets are ready!

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