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How to Make Chinese Fortune Cookie

How to Make Chinese Fortune Cookie
How to Make Chinese Fortune Cookie

Video: Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe for Chinese New Year! 2024, July

Video: Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe for Chinese New Year! 2024, July

Want to surprise your guests with something interesting and original? Then make Chinese fortune cookie! This is a treat and entertainment at the same time.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - flour - 1 glass;

  • - corn starch - 2 tablespoons;

  • - icing sugar - 100 g;

  • - vanilla sugar - 1 tablespoon;

  • - egg whites - 3 pcs;

  • - vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;

  • - pieces of paper with predictions, size 1.5x7 cm - 20-30 pcs.

Instruction manual


Combine corn starch with salt and flour. Pass the resulting mixture through a sieve and put in a deep cup. Take another bowl and beat the egg whites in it until foam. Then add vanilla sugar and icing sugar. Beat again, but not very much.


Add 3 tablespoons of cold water to the flour mixture. Then enter the beaten sugar-egg mass there. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Thus, you should get a slightly thick dough. Do not touch it for a quarter of an hour.


Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. On baking paper, draw circles of the same size, the diameter of which is 8 centimeters. Do not forget to leave between them about 2 centimeters. Draw best with a compass.


Spread parchment with oil. Put the finished dough in the circles so that it is evenly distributed throughout the figure. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and send the future cookies to bake until a golden crust appears on it, that is, for about 7-8 minutes.


Remove the finished baked goods from the oven. Perform all further actions as quickly as possible and preferably with gloves so as not to get a burn from hot cookies. In the center of the circle, place a note with predictions and bend it exactly in half. Next, bend it twice again, but just do not fix the edges between you, otherwise instead of the intended treats you will get dumplings. So do with all the baked goods. Allow the dish to cool. Chinese fortune cookie is ready!

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