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How to Make Parmesan Snail Pancakes

How to Make Parmesan Snail Pancakes
How to Make Parmesan Snail Pancakes

Video: Preparing British garden snails - Gordon Ramsay with Foxy Games 2024, July

Video: Preparing British garden snails - Gordon Ramsay with Foxy Games 2024, July

Pancakes and crepes are a classic type of delicious tasty and satisfying pastries. Try to cook Parmesan snails from pancakes, and the original dessert will become a permanent dish on your table both on a regular and a holiday.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 350 ml of milk;

  • - 160 g of flour;

  • - a pinch of salt;

  • - 125 g of Parmesan cheese;

  • - a tablespoon of ghee;

  • - 5 slices of boiled ham;

  • - 100 g Adyghe (Suzdal) cheese with herbs;

  • - cloves;

  • - aluminium foil.

Instruction manual


Beat the eggs in a bowl. Pour in milk, stir until smooth. Pour flour and grated Parmesan cheese into half the milk-egg mixture, salt.


After stirring, pour in the remaining milk mixture. Knead the dough without lumps. Let stand for about 30 minutes to swell the flour.


Heat the pan well, dissolve a tablespoon of melted or vegetable oil.


Pour the dough into the pan, shaking it from side to side so that the dough spreads evenly.


Fry the pancakes on the largest burner, turned on medium (or slightly higher) fire. This will evenly heat the pan.


After the top side of the pancake begins to dry, turning it over, fry on the second side until a pleasant light blush.


Prepare pancakes from the pan, put to cool on a plate. Lightly grease two-thirds pancakes with cheese and herbs, and on top lay a slice of ham.


Make a snail blank. Carefully start from the oiled side to fold the pancake into a snail roll.


Wrap the finished workpiece tightly in aluminum foil and place it in the refrigerator for several hours.


Before serving, curled pancakes, cut into slices about 2 cm thick, shape in the form of a snail.


Put 2 crumbs of cheese on the front end and insert the cloves into them, depicting snail horns.

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