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How to cook Hungarian goulash

How to cook Hungarian goulash
How to cook Hungarian goulash

Video: How To Cook Authentic Hungarian Goulash (Magyar Gulyás) with Marika 2024, July

Video: How To Cook Authentic Hungarian Goulash (Magyar Gulyás) with Marika 2024, July

In Hungarian cuisine, goulash, as well as paprikash, are traditional peasant hearty dishes. They are prepared from meat and vegetables, with many variations. For traditional goulash in Hungarian it is very important to have special dumplings - chipsets. Goulash is something between a thick soup and thin stew, in the restaurant menu and in cookbooks you can still often find Hungarian goulash among the first courses.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 600 g of meat (cuts from the shank or shoulder of beef
    • lamb
    • pork);
    • 2 tablespoons butter or melted lard;
    • 2 onions;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 parsnip root;
    • 1 stick of celery;
    • 2 fresh green bell peppers;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 1 tablespoon of paprika;
    • 3 potatoes;
    • 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds;
    • Bay leaf
    • salt
    • pepper.
    • For chipset
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 1 teaspoon of water;
    • flour.

Instruction manual


Clean and rinse vegetables under running water. Melt butter or lard in a heavy-bottomed pan. Dice the onion and simmer until golden brown. Sprinkle the onion with paprika powder and simmer, stirring, so that the powder does not burn.


Dice the meat into small cubes, about 2x2 centimeters. For goulash, they take meat from various domestic animals - pork, beef, lamb - because this peasant dish, unlike the "high" cuisine, the plowmen and shepherds do not put in the pan the meat that they chose and bought, but the one that was grown and slaughtered. A cut from the lower leg and shoulder goes to the goulash, as they are rich in collagen, which turns into gelatin and gives this stew additional smoothness.


Put the meat in the onion and add the spices - chopped garlic, caraway seeds, salt, bay leaf and pepper. Pour in water so that it only covers the meat and simmer for 1–1.5 hours on low heat. Cut the carrots, parsnips, celery potatoes into cubes. Potatoes can not be put in goulash, but the starch in its composition also contributes to the "smoothness" of the sauce-soup. Put the vegetables in the meat, add some water and simmer until almost done.


Scald the tomato with boiling water, dip in cold water with ice, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Slice the pepper as well. Put the tomato and pepper in the goulash, cook on a shallow fire for another 5-7 minutes. Then bring the goulash to a boil and add the chips. They take about 5 minutes to cook.


For chips, beat the egg with salt, add as much flour as needed to make a cool dough and some water if necessary. Roll "sausage" from the dough and pinch off pieces the size of a large bean. Pieces of dough are immediately thrown into boiling stew.


Hungarian goulash has many regional varieties. With sauerkraut and sour cream, it will be Szekely’s goulash, goulash at a party rather than meat is called fake goulash, there is bean goulash in which beans completely displace potatoes, there is goulash on smoked meat, with stewed cabbage and rice, with pork vermicelli and lemon juice.

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