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How to make a galette with leek, pumpkin and feta

How to make a galette with leek, pumpkin and feta
How to make a galette with leek, pumpkin and feta

Video: Speedy Quiche | Jamie Oliver | UK | AD 2024, July

Video: Speedy Quiche | Jamie Oliver | UK | AD 2024, July

Galette with leek, pumpkin and feta is a very tasty and tender dish that is quite easy to prepare. This is exactly what I propose to do. Enjoy this miracle!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the test:

  • - flour - 2 tablespoons;

  • - whole grain flour - 2 tablespoons;

  • - butter - 50 g;

  • - Parmesan cheese - 20 g;

  • - milk - 2-3 tablespoons.

  • Filling:

  • - leek - 2 stalks;

  • - olive oil - 4 tablespoons;

  • - butter - 20 g;

  • - milk - 1 glass;

  • - flour - 1 teaspoon;

  • - pumpkin pulp - 300 g;

  • - Feta cheese - 100 g;

  • - salt;

  • - pepper.

Instruction manual


Combine butter with flour. Put pre-grated cheese and milk there. Add the second in small portions. Mix everything thoroughly. Knead the dough from the resulting mass. Put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour.


Cut the pulp of pumpkin into slices, the size of which should not exceed 1 centimeter. Place them on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Also season with salt and pepper. If desired, you can use any other spices. Preheat the oven to approximately 180 degrees and send the chopped vegetable to bake for a quarter of an hour.


Chop the leek into thin slices. Place 2 types of oils in a pan at once - olive and cream. Fry the chopped vegetable in this mixture, stirring constantly. This is necessary so that it does not burn. When there is very little time left before it is ready, add milk to it. Stew the resulting mixture until almost all the liquid has disappeared. When there is very little left, add flour to the onion. Stir well, then season with salt and pepper.


Roll out the finished dough so that a cake is formed with a diameter of 25 centimeters.


Place the rolled dough in a round baking dish. Then lay on it first the fried onions, then the pumpkin. Feta fill the gaps between these ingredients. Fold the edges of the dish so that the sides for the biscuit are formed.


Put the dish in the oven for about 30-40 minutes. Galeta with leek, pumpkin and feta is ready!

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