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How to Make French Salad Dressing

How to Make French Salad Dressing
How to Make French Salad Dressing

Video: Homemade French Salad Dressing with olive oil and garlic 2024, July

Video: Homemade French Salad Dressing with olive oil and garlic 2024, July

Piquant sauce with herbs and spices is good for vegetable dishes. Preparing a French salad dressing is quite simple.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Grape Vinegar - 2 tbsp.

  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.

  • Sunflower oil - 4 tbsp.

  • French mustard - 0.5 tbsp

  • Chives - 1 pcs.

  • Parsley, dill, tarragon - to taste

Instruction manual


Pour vinegar into a rather deep bowl. Then season it with salt and pepper to taste. For French dressing, you can take various types of ground pepper - black, white, green or red. Stir the ingredients. Gradually add oil and mustard to the resulting composition. To mix foods perfectly, do not stop stirring the sauce. To get the best result, you can take a whisk or use a blender. You should get a mixture of a uniform consistency.


Finely chop shallots, parsley, dill and tarragon (tarragon). Add chopped greens to the dressing. Mix all the ingredients well. Tarragon gives the dressing a sophisticated aniseed flavor typical of some French dishes. If you can’t get this weed, just replace the tarragon with mint, fennel or rosemary.


Cooked dressing is suitable for various vegetable salads. Just grab a traditional set: fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and onions. Coarsely chop the ingredients and season with French sauce. Or try picking various kinds of leaf lettuce in a bowl and adding French dressing. You will get an unusual and very tasty dish. In addition, this salad is lightweight. With the help of French dressing, you can diversify your usual salads.

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