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How to cook garlic croutons

How to cook garlic croutons
How to cook garlic croutons

Video: Homemade Garlic Croutons | Cooking Italian with Joe 2024, July

Video: Homemade Garlic Croutons | Cooking Italian with Joe 2024, July

In every house sometimes there is excess bread and we don’t know where to put it? Try to cook delicious hot garlic croutons. They can be eaten just like a separate dish, can be added to mashed soups, or you can bite with cold beer. You will definitely appreciate this amazing taste!


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Loaf of rye or white bread
    • 4-5 Art. tablespoons of vegetable oil
    • 1 head garlic
    • salt to taste.

Instruction manual


The easiest and easiest way to prepare croutons is in the oven.


Cut rye or white bread into cubes or oblong plates. Choose the shape and size to your liking.


Pour vegetable oil onto a baking sheet. Bread chopped bread in butter. The butter should be evenly absorbed into pieces of bread.


Bake bread in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown. Be sure to mix croutons periodically when baking so that they bake evenly. Finished croutons should be with a golden brown on the outside, but slightly soft inside.


Salt hot croutons with fine salt and mix well. Transfer to a bowl.


Peel the garlic and grate. You can also use a special press for chopping garlic. Add the garlic to the croutons and mix again. Fragrant croutons are ready!


You can use garlic salt to prepare croutons. Just mix the salt with crushed garlic and ground black pepper for piquancy. Only stir this salt with hot croutons. Be sure to wait until the croutons cool down a bit. So garlic will not lose its flavor.


You can also cook croutons in the microwave. The bread is fried when the grill is on and adding oil in this case is not necessary. This method is suitable for those who follow their figure or in the case when a small portion of croutons is required. After roasting, simply roll the bread in garlic salt.


Do not despair if you do not have a microwave with a grill or an oven. You can just fry the bread in a pan! Let it take more time and oil, but the result will be just as tasty. Bon Appetit!

how to make garlic croutons

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