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How to Make Cinnamon Buns

How to Make Cinnamon Buns
How to Make Cinnamon Buns

Video: How To Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls • Tasty 2024, July

Video: How To Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls • Tasty 2024, July

Cinnamon has been known to mankind since time immemorial. In ancient times, it was even brought as a gift to the rulers. And it is deserved, because cinnamon spice has a lot of useful properties. It helps reduce blood sugar, increases brain activity, improves visual memory. The smell of cinnamon has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, fills the soul with warmth, stimulates inspiration and encourages creativity, uplifting. Combine all of this wholesome-pleasant with lush and delicious muffin and bake cinnamon rolls. Beloved and close people will be very grateful to you, enjoying fragrant pastries with morning tea or evening warm milk.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For the test:
    • 250 ml of milk;
    • 7 g dry yeast;
    • 150 gr. butter;
    • 150 gr. Sahara;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 bag of baking powder dough;
    • 600-800 gr. flour;
    • 1 yolk;
    • salt.
    • For filling:
    • 100 gr. Sahara;
    • 1.5 tsp cinnamon powder;
    • 30 gr butter.
    • For glaze:
    • 50 ml of water;
    • 50 gr Sahara;
    • 100 ml of milk.

Instruction manual


Preheat the milk, but do not boil. Add 150 gr. Sugar, salt and butter. Stir and cool to room temperature.


Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water. Add the eggs and mix well. Pour the mixture into the prepared milk.


Sift the flour. Add such an amount so that the dough is elastic enough. Add baking powder.


Knead the dough. This is best done on a floured surface. Transfer to a deep dish or pan. Place the container in a warm place. Cover and leave for 1 hour so that it rises about 2 times.


Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Roll out of each in a rectangular layer. Lubricate the rectangles with butter.


Combine the cinnamon with the remaining sugar.


Spread the sweet cinnamon mass evenly over the entire area of ​​the strata. Roll them up with long rolls. Pinch the edges of each.


Cut the rolls into equal pieces about 3 cm thick.


Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Put the buns on it, leaving a small distance between them, because when baking, the baking will increase in size. Leave on for 30 minutes. Then grease the top of the rolls with whipped yolk.


Preheat the oven, place a baking sheet there. Bake at 180-200 degrees until golden brown (approximately 15-20 minutes).


Combine sugar, water and milk. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, for 4-5 minutes, over low heat.


Lubricate the finished buns with icing in 2-3 layers. Put back in the oven for 5 minutes.


Try not to open the oven during baking, otherwise the muffin will lose its inherent splendor.

Useful advice

To prevent the buns from being burnt, place the baking sheet in the oven when it has not yet completely warmed up. Also place a container of water one level below.

Instead of icing, you can use powdered sugar, coconut, or melted chocolate.

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