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How to eat to grow 20 cm

How to eat to grow 20 cm
How to eat to grow 20 cm

Video: INCREASE HEIGHT - How to Increase Height Naturally 2024, July

Video: INCREASE HEIGHT - How to Increase Height Naturally 2024, July

Short stature is uncomfortable, primarily in psychological terms and can even lead to depression. But this problem can be solved with the help of special physical exercises and, of course, proper nutrition.


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The problem of increasing growth is relevant for many people, and 16, and 25, and 35 years old, and even for those who are much older. Of course, after 30 years it is quite difficult to grow up, but for those younger, you can increase their growth by 10 cm and even 20. To do this, you must, first of all, eat right.

The nutrition of each person should be balanced in terms of the content of substances necessary for the work of the body and in terms of routine, regime. And the diet of those who want to increase their growth, especially needs attention, because it should contain products that stimulate the activity of all cells of the body. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in combination with biologically active substances help to grow significantly in a short period of time. Be sure to supplement the diet with minerals and vitamins.

Of great importance in increasing growth is not at all how much a person will eat per day, but how he will eat. Eat at least 5 times a day. Many of those who want to grow up mistakenly believe that the more they eat at one meal, the better. However, as a result of medical research, it was proved that a slight feeling of hunger stimulates the body's cells to work actively and grow. Therefore, it is impossible to overeat, and the portion size does not matter - its energy value is important.

For those who want to grow up, it is necessary to include as many vegetables, fruits and herbs as possible in the daily menu, because they contain a huge amount of stimulating substances - vitamins and minerals, which at the physiological level include the so-called growth reactions. Moreover, it is advisable to use these products raw or subject to minimal heat treatment in order to preserve their useful qualities.

An increase in growth is, first of all, an increase in the size of the skeletal system, and this requires a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium enters the human body from dishes that include fish, grains and soya, milk, nuts and herbs such as thyme, dill, rosemary and celery. Vitamin D sources are all fatty fish, dairy products, and egg yolks.

To increase growth, it is very important to eat foods with vitamin A - butter, cheeses and cottage cheese, oysters, carrots, cabbage, viburnum. Be sure to add vitamin E to it - vegetable oils, bran bread, nuts, cabbage, celery, apples, beef, dairy products, eggs and liver.

It is necessary to eat as high protein foods and fiber-rich foods as possible. Be sure to eat cereals, which are best prepared with milk. To accelerate growth, it is important to eat porridge from oatmeal or buckwheat, sprouted grains of wheat or green buckwheat, bread from wholemeal daily. The maximum amount of protein is found in eggs, meat and, again, in milk.

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