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How to drink Scotch whiskey

How to drink Scotch whiskey
How to drink Scotch whiskey

Video: How To Drink Scotch The Right Way 2024, July

Video: How To Drink Scotch The Right Way 2024, July

You can drink Scotch whiskey in two ways: the traditional tasters of this drink accepted in Scotland itself, as well as the method gleaned from Hollywood westerns, when tough guys asked to pour two-finger whiskeys in the bar, and then drank the served glass in one gulp. There is a third way - to drink as you please, not guided by any rules. Usually the more expensive the whiskey, the more conventions it is customary to follow.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - tulip-shaped glasses;

  • - glasses with a thick bottom.

Instruction manual


Scotch whiskey has a delicate taste and aroma. Do not dilute this drink with various chemical additives, such as cola. The taste of whiskey will be completely distorted, but you will not feel anything special. Soda will also distort the taste - the carbonic component in it will not let you feel real whiskey. This drink is drunk in undiluted pure form. The best is malt scotch whiskey.


You can drink whiskey with ice, but the Scots themselves avoid doing this. They believe that in their climate (which is not too different from the Russian one!) There is no need to drink whiskey with ice. If you decide to use ice, then the water for its preparation should be soft, practically free of salts.


Glasses for whiskey are tulip-shaped, with thin walls. This is the choice of professionals whose job is to taste this noble drink. It is the tulip-shaped shape of the glass that makes it possible to feel all the subtleties of aroma and taste.



Another type of glasses is low round glasses for whiskey having a thick bottom in which a droplet of air can be captured. This method is popular due to the fact that all movie characters from Hollywood drink whiskey in this way.



Whatever glass you choose, pour whiskey to the very bottom. Such a dose is called a drag, which is 1/8 ounce, it is about 35 grams. It is this amount of whiskey that is considered ideal in order to appreciate the quality of the drink and feel the lightness spreading throughout the body from this “fiery drink”.

Useful advice

There is a developed process of tasting whiskey, in order to comprehend which, you need to undergo professional training. The taste buds of not all people are able to immediately appreciate the charm of this drink, which is why training is necessary. The tasting takes place in four stages: visual, olfactory, gustatory and contemplative.

How to drink scotch whiskey in 2018

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