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How to bake unusual chocolate and white polka dot pancakes

How to bake unusual chocolate and white polka dot pancakes
How to bake unusual chocolate and white polka dot pancakes

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A simple recipe for sweet chocolate pancakes with polka-dot decoration is easy to implement. You will need ordinary products and a pharmacy syringe. The composition of the dough can be selected as you wish, and cocoa powder is allowed to be replaced with Nesquik, it’s even tastier. Such unusual pancakes will appeal to both children and adolescents, suitable for treating guests to Shrovetide on ordinary weekdays. The main thing is to bake them in a thick cast-iron frying pan on one side under a lid, then applying any pattern as you wish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 250 ml of milk;

  • - 125 g sifted wheat flour;

  • - 2 tablespoons of sugar (sweet tooth can double the amount);

  • - 1 teaspoon of baking powder;

  • - 1 raw egg;

  • - 1 tablespoon with a slide of cocoa or "Nesquika";

  • - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

  • - a pinch of salt;

  • - vegetable oil for frying;

  • - thick-walled pan;

  • - a medical syringe without a needle.

Instruction manual


Mix eggs with sugar in a deep bowl or pan, add a pinch of salt, a baking powder from a bag. It is better to use for this purpose not a mixer, but an ordinary manual whisk.


Pour milk slightly warmed up in the microwave to the mixture, mix all the components.


Pour the sifted flour into the pan, with a mixer or whisk, knead not too liquid, but not too thick dough. Stir in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Leave on the table for about 15 minutes.


Now you need to decide what kind of pancakes you want to bake - ordinary light ones with chocolate "peas" on the surface or chocolate ones with white circles. From the choice will depend on which dough should be made in a larger volume - brown or white. If you decide to bake unusual chocolate pancakes, you need to pour some contents from the pan into a cup, and pour cocoa into the main volume, mix. You can do it easier - make the same amount of brown and light dough, from each bowl, draw in 2 syringes a mixture for drawing, slightly thickening it with flour.


Dial the white dough gently into a volume syringe without a needle, with its help any patterns on the surface can be easily drawn.


Heat a thick-bottomed pan (preferably cast iron), grease it with oil. Pour chocolate dough with a thin layer with a cooker, wait 10 seconds, so that the surface dries slightly. Squeeze out "pea" of any size from the syringe, close the pan with a lid.


Bake the pancake over low heat until cooked, put it on a plate with the pattern up to cool. Repeat this with each pancake until the dough is over. You can bake both chocolate and ordinary pancakes at the same time, roll them with tubes or triangles, and arrange them beautifully on a plate.


Tea can be served with jam, fresh berries, sour cream or condensed milk.


The products needed to knead regular and chocolate pancake dough should be at room temperature. Therefore, milk and eggs must be removed in advance from the refrigerator, left on the kitchen table for a while.

Useful advice

In order for round “peas” or another pattern (stripes, zigzags) on the surface to be smooth, beautiful, clear, the dough for them should be thicker than for ordinary pancakes. And if cocoa itself adds density to the chocolate dough, then in white it is worth adding more flour so that it does not spread too much, it was about the same as for pancakes. The main thing is that it exits through the hole in the syringe without any problems.

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