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How and why to sprout wheat

How and why to sprout wheat
How and why to sprout wheat

Video: Sprout Your Own Wheat! 2024, July

Video: Sprout Your Own Wheat! 2024, July

Sprouts of wheat are extremely useful, as they contain a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins. How to germinate wheat grains without using a special germinator and how to use wheat seedlings?


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Enzymes are special enzymes necessary for the implementation of a high-quality digestive process. Wheat grains contain a large number of enzymes that are activated during the germination of grains.

The human body itself is able to synthesize enzymes, but also those enzymes that a person can get with food play an important role in various biological processes. Enzymes are found not only in wheat, but also in other raw foods. These substances volatilize when heated above 45 degrees Celsius.


When wheat grains begin to germinate, the amount of nutrients in them increases, as does the biological activity of the enzymes contained in the grains. What nutrients are found in wheat grains?

First of all, these are vitamins: PP, C, E, B vitamins (these are vitamins B1, B2 and B6).

Vitamin PP plays an important role in the vital processes of the body, among other things, it is involved in the production of hormones. Thus, a lack of this vitamin can lead to serious disruption of the endocrine system. Vitamin PP is also necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Vitamin C, as almost everyone has known since childhood, affects the functioning of the immune system, strengthening the body’s protective properties and increasing its resistance to various microbes and viruses. Vitamin C also takes part in the process of muscle tissue formation. With a lack of this element in the body, the synthesized protein is practically not absorbed, so that the muscles remain, in fact, without building material. In addition, vitamin C can be called a beauty vitamin, since it is he who is responsible for the condition of the skin, making it beautiful, radiant, being a stimulant for the production of collagen.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, that is, it slows down the aging process in the body. Vitamin E also affects the functioning of the reproductive system, participates in the process of muscle formation and skin cell regeneration.

Wheat grains also contain magnesium and potassium, which are responsible for the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

By the time when the length of wheat seedlings reaches 1-2 mm, the content of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids in wheat grain increases by 10 - 50 times.


How to germinate wheat at home and without using a special germinator? Everything is simple. On the market you need to purchase wheat grain that has undergone minimal processing (unrefined or threshed). Unrefined grains can be germinated if the goal is to consume only long shoots. If you plan to eat the whole grain with small sprouts, then you need to choose refined grain. Naturally, grains should not be steamed or treated with chemicals.

We’ll wash the grain, lay out one centimeter in a small glass container, fill it with water so that it covers the grain a little. You can cover the container with gauze or foil, in which holes are often made. After 12-24 hours, drain the water. Grain by that time is saturated with water, swells. Wash it carefully. Rinse the container with clean water.

Put the grain back in the container. No need to add water. Cover with gauze (or foil) again. In 1-2 days the first seedlings will appear. Grains can be covered with a light fluff. Do not worry, this is natural



Wheat seedlings can be passed through a meat grinder and used to make bread. To do this, mix the cake that was left after cooking the vegetable juice with ground germinated grain, add a little sea salt, any dried herbs and spices to taste, put the mass in a thin layer, up to 0.5 cm, on a plate or sheet of dehydrator and dry in the sun or in the dryer for about 7 to 10 hours. Such bread is suitable for eating raw foodists.

Sprouts of wheat along with whole grains can also be added to salads, cereals.

When wheat shoots reach a height of 10-12 centimeters, they are cut and ground into juice, the so-called vitgrass, which can rightfully be called the elixir of health and youth. For germination for this purpose, you can use unrefined grain.

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