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How to cook in the oven

How to cook in the oven
How to cook in the oven

Video: How to Cook a Steak in the Oven 2024, June

Video: How to Cook a Steak in the Oven 2024, June

The dishes baked in the oven are tasty, varied and do not require constant monitoring, which is needed if you were cooking in a skillet or in a deep fryer. You prepare food - chop, chop, chop, mix, beat, pickle and send them for baking in the oven. It is she who will complete the entire magical cooking process by frying or frying your dish evenly from all sides. But do not relax, the cooking process in the oven has its own rules.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Preheat the oven to the desired temperature before baking food. Very rarely, for example, when using ceramic dishes, the stove should heat up with it, otherwise the ceramic may burst. Heating the oven is also not needed when cooking casseroles and pies. In all other cases, preheating the stove can begin when you just started preparing the products.


For baking in the oven, almost any dishes (except plastic) are suitable. In the oven they cook in pots, in a frying pan, on a baking sheet, in silicone forms, in cast-iron ducklings, in pots, in ceramic or glassware, even in jars.


When baking, try to keep the oven door closed. If your sight glass is dirty, clean it to observe the cooking process. When you open the door of the stove, you sharply lower the temperature inside it and create a stream of air. Some products are sensitive to such changes. The shank in the foil or grilled chicken will probably not be affected too much by the frequent opening of the oven, but the cookies can take a little longer to cook than required. And soufflé, meringue and pastry from the dough will probably settle only because you sharply opened the oven door.



Turn over oven-baked products. If you notice that the products are too brown on the top, bottom or from any side, feel free to move them or change the shelf to redistribute the heat more evenly. In the oven, all the heat is usually concentrated in the middle, so try to set the writing in the very center of the oven and keep it away from heating elements.


Try to bake only one sheet or baking sheet at a time. By placing a large tray of cookies on the lower shelf, you block the access of heat to the upper shelf. And there the products will cook twice as slow. The aromas of different products can mix and spoil the taste of the "neighbor."

Useful advice

Do not be lazy to regularly clean your oven from the inside. A clean oven will work much better than a dirty oven. And the smell from food and fat sticking to the walls and burning residues will not mix with the smell of baked products.

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