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How to Cook Lobsters and Lobsters

How to Cook Lobsters and Lobsters
How to Cook Lobsters and Lobsters

Video: Cooking Lobster with Jeremy Clarkson | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Video: Cooking Lobster with Jeremy Clarkson | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Lobsters or lobsters are called table kings. Many people associate them with luxurious life and are considered gourmet food. Lobster and lobster are different names for one large marine crustacean family of decapods. Today, to try this delicacy, it is not necessary to go to distant lands, you can buy lobsters in large supermarkets and cook at home.


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Lobsters sell live, frozen and canned in stores. The edible parts of lobsters are claw meat, neck, abdomen, as well as caviar and liver. The most delicious part is the neck (or tail) of the lobster. Gourmet sauces and soups are prepared from the liver, which is called “tomally”. Gourmets are also valued for caviar ("coral") of a female lobster, very delicate in taste.

When choosing live lobsters in supermarkets, be sure to pay attention to their activity. The freshness of this seafood depends on it. It is best to purchase and prepare live lobsters during their fishing periods - in spring or early fall. Females, as a rule, are larger than males, but the meat of the latter is more tender. The best for cooking are lobsters weighing 700-900 grams.

Before preparing frozen lobsters, thaw them in cold water or at room temperature. Then rinse very well with a brush under running water. Then dip in a pot with salted boiling water. Add spices to your taste (bay leaf, pepper, ginger, thyme, dill, onion). Close the pan with a lid and cook the lobster on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of the lobster. If its weight does not exceed 500 grams, 15 minutes will be enough, if about a kilogram is required half an hour, one and a half kilogram copies will have to be cooked for 35 minutes, and two-kilogram copies - 45.

On live lobsters, fasten the claws with an elastic band, then rinse under running water. Fill a large pot with fresh water, add a tablespoon of salt per liter of liquid and boil. Then carefully, taking behind him, lower his head down into boiling water one lobster. Cover the pan with a lid. When the water boils again, turn down the heat and cook the lobsters with a low boil for as long as necessary for their weight.

Ready-made lobsters have a bright red color, their mustache easily breaks off, and the tail is sometimes tightened. Do not remove the lobsters from the pan immediately, leave them in the broth for 5-10 minutes.

The lobster table is served both hot and cold. To cool them, dip the lobster for a short period in cold salted water.

Put the lobsters on a large dish, decorated with lemon slices. Separately serve ghee or sauce in a small cup. According to the rules of etiquette, lobsters are eaten with a special fork, which has a small hook at one end, with its help they extract meat from the shell, and on the other - a spoon for scooping up juice.

We select and prepare lobsters

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