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How to cook liver

How to cook liver
How to cook liver

Video: How To Make Liver | Miss Mandi Throwdown 2024, July

Video: How To Make Liver | Miss Mandi Throwdown 2024, July

Liver is called the internal organs of animals and birds that have nutritional value. This is, first of all, the liver - its most valuable part, as well as the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach and udder. Liver contains vitamins and minerals in greater quantities than meat, so they should not be neglected. Liver containing vitamin D is very useful for young children. Other organs also bring certain benefits when consumed. Besides skillfully prepared liver - it's just delicious.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • liver - 300 g;
    • heart - 300 g;
    • lungs - 300 g;
    • kidneys - 200 g;
    • onions - 3 medium onions;
    • carrots - 2 pieces;
    • salt to taste;
    • black pepper and spices to taste.

Instruction manual


Prepare the filling for pies or crepes. To do this, take the liver, heart and lungs. Boil them individually: heart - 1.5 hours, lungs - 1 hour, and fry the liver for 10 minutes in vegetable oil. Twist everything in a meat grinder.


Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Sauté the vegetables in vegetable oil and add to the liver. Mix everything well, pour a little broth in the stuffing so that it does not crumble. Add black pepper and any spices to taste there. Stuffing for filling pies is ready, they can be made from fresh or yeast dough, baked or fried.


Prepare the paste from the liver. Fry the liver in vegetable oil, onions and carrots, too. Twist everything in a meat grinder, add spices and a little butter for a bunch, so that the paste can be spread on bread. The most delicious paste is obtained from beef liver, but you can cook it from pork or chicken.


You can make sausages from the liver. Also prepare it and add the chopped boiled kidneys. The kidneys must be soaked well before cooking for several hours, often changing the water to remove unpleasant odors and tastes, then boil for about an hour. Together with the liver, twist the onions in a meat grinder, add raw eggs - 10 pieces, pepper and spices. Fill the prepared guts with the resulting minced meat and boil sausages for 30-40 minutes on low heat so that they do not burst. Then bake them in the oven for about an hour, previously piercing the intestines with a fork. It turns out delicious liverwurst sausage.


For cooking, use beef, pork, veal, mutton liver, as well as chicken, goose or turkey liver.

Useful advice

With liver filling, you can also make dumplings.

Lungs must be soaked before cooking and can be cooked with the kidneys together.

For good taste and smell, cook liver with onion and bay leaf.

You can add cool chopped eggs to the pie filling.

how much to cook liver

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