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How food affects potency

How food affects potency
How food affects potency

Video: How Foods and Nutrients Control Our Moods | Huberman Lab Podcast #11 2024, July

Video: How Foods and Nutrients Control Our Moods | Huberman Lab Podcast #11 2024, July

The fact that certain foods enhance potency and sexual desire has been known since ancient times. These products are called aphrodisiacs. The name comes from the name of the Greek goddess of love - Aphrodite.


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You will need

Meat, fish, seafood, lemon, orange, figs, dates, prunes.

Instruction manual


Male potency depends on lifestyle and nutrition. A woman should know how and what to feed a man if she wants to have a strong companion next to her. It is advisable that the man receive the right nutrition for potency since childhood. After all, this will affect his future life. Products that contain vitamins E and A have a beneficial effect on potency. Vitamin A is found in orange fruits and vegetables. Nuts, seeds, cereals, and the liver are rich in vitamin E. In addition, vitamin B affects potency. It is found in fish, meat, and eggs.


Men must have fish and meat in their diet. Such an exotic fish, like flounder, has an excellent effect on potency. It is even called the fish of love. In general, any seafood can revive the strength of a man. Shrimps, mussels, snails, squids, scallops are considered especially useful in this regard. Seafood is rich in zinc and selenium. These minerals affect the sexual function of men. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone, are present in oily marine fish.


Another potency remedy is nuts. Very useful are walnuts, cedar, pistachio kernels and almonds. They have a lot of vegetable protein, fiber, essential oils, various vitamins and minerals. Nuts contain such an amino acid as arginine. It has a good effect on blood circulation and erectile function. A folk recipe to increase potency is a mixture of nuts and honey. Grind various nuts (100 grams) first so that they are better absorbed. Then add to them 1 tablespoon. honey. Offer this treat to a man a few hours before bedtime or in the morning.


The beneficial properties of greens for male potency have been known since very ancient times. At lunchtime, put more parsley, spinach, cilantro, dill, and onion in dishes. These plants contain plant analogues of male sex hormones (androsterone). Parsley contains apeginine, which suppresses the production of female sex hormones in men. In addition, the use of parsley will serve as a good prevention of prostatitis. Garlic and onion cause blood to rush to the genitals. They increase testosterone production and affect potency.


Eggs are rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins. The cholesterol found in eggs is necessary for the male body as a building material for sex hormones. When a man drops cholesterol, the amount of testosterone decreases. Of course, high cholesterol is also dangerous. This substance is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to blockage of blood vessels and atherosclerosis. Nutritionists say that eggs can be eaten every day, but in small quantities.


Garlic and onions are forbidden to eat in monasteries, as they increase sexual desire.

Useful advice

Celery and ginger roots are beneficial for male potency. In celery is the male sex hormone androsterone.

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