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How to peel mushrooms

How to peel mushrooms
How to peel mushrooms

Video: How to Peel and Cut Mushrooms 2024, July

Video: How to Peel and Cut Mushrooms 2024, July

For many people, going to the forest for mushrooms has become not only a good tradition, but also a family ritual. Many hours of processing, drying, freezing and preserving this incredibly tasty product with the advent of autumn are engaged in a huge number of people. The mushroom requires special attention. In addition to the fact that mushrooms must be very well understood, they need to be handled correctly. One of the most important procedures is cleaning the mushroom.


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Cleaning should begin at the mushroom picking stage. Feel free to remove places already eaten by insects and worms, remove needles, leaves and other debris. If the peel of the hat is easy to remove, feel free to remove it. If the hat is mucous, it should be cleaned immediately, also removing the skin. Of course, you will spend a little more time collecting mushrooms, but you will save yourself from additional home fuss with the product. Beyond that, bring home less dirt.


Arriving home, select the mushrooms by type - it will be easier to harvest and process them, and the methods for preparing mushrooms differ. For your convenience, identify mushrooms that you will fry fresh from mushrooms that you cook. Remember that mushrooms spoil very quickly, so you have 4-5 hours to cook or harvest them. Some mushrooms contain easily oxidized substances and when interacting with air, they darken almost instantly giving the mushrooms an unattractive appearance. To prevent this from happening, do not leave the mushrooms in the air, but rather, immediately immerse them in water and add a little salt or citric acid to it.


Then use a knife, cut out all the darkened places, carefully check again the mushrooms for the presence of worms and other pests. For butter and russula, which are heat treated, remove the mucous skin from the hat, starting from the edges. In tubular mushrooms, the tubular part of the cap needs to be cut. In mushrooms with viscous legs, it is better to remove the legs. From those mushrooms that do not require heat treatment, remove garbage as carefully as possible - clean all the folds with a brush.


The last stage of cleaning is washing. There is an opinion that mushrooms should be washed as little as possible, and indeed, mushrooms can lose their taste. Mushrooms that are used for drying are not washed. Mushrooms that you process differently - you need to slightly rinse with cold water in a colander and let the water drain. In any case, you must be very careful and careful with mushrooms so as not to spoil your health.

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