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How to peel garlic

How to peel garlic
How to peel garlic

Video: Ultimate Garlic Peeling Trick -- How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds! 2024, July

Video: Ultimate Garlic Peeling Trick -- How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds! 2024, July

Garlic is a popular vegetable crop among nations around the world. It is widely used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and, of course, in cooking, as it has an acute specific taste and a characteristic odor. All over the world it is considered an indispensable seasoning. Garlic is put in meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish, soups, added to various sauces, it is a "spicy" additive in sausages. Fresh young garlic leaves go to various salads. It is indispensable for pickling and pickling vegetables. How to clean this specific vegetable crop? There are several ways: simple and demanding skill.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - knife;

  • - cutting board;

  • - a bowl - 2 pcs.

Instruction manual


Famous chef Tod Coleman suggests peeling garlic as follows. Take a head of garlic. With one palm strike from above, break it into cloves. Take two large, deep metal bowls and put in one of them slices separated from the head. Cover with a second bowl and shake vigorously. After 10 seconds, the garlic is peeled.


The easiest and most common way to peel garlic is with a knife. Wash the garlic, however, this is not necessary, cut off the lobe, tops, remove the first integumentary leaves, disconnect one clove from the head, take a knife and expose the lobule to the end, removing the remaining integumentary leaves.


There are universal options for cooking garlic. For example, baked garlic. In this form, it can be used for cooking poultry, be part of salad dressings, mashed soups, spread on baguette and other flour products for further baking or as a ready-made sauce. In this case, you can not clean it at all, but bake the whole head. Or, for more convenient use of baked garlic in subsequent preparations of culinary dishes, remove the topmost layer of the husk, cut off the tops, as if removing caps from the cloves.


Young garlic has a slightly damp husk, which makes it easier to peel. Having previously cut the lobe and the upper part with a knife, remove the remaining leaves with your hands.


When peeling garlic, you can remove the core part, popularly called "anger". The taste of garlic, and the dishes as a whole, will not deteriorate from this. But the specific bad breath after eating garlic can be avoided.


Garlic is not recommended for exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases and gallstone disease.

Useful advice

A sprig of parsley, cardamom seeds or cinnamon will help refresh your breath after eating garlic. By chewing one of the above products, you can make the smell of garlic not so sharp and noticeable for the interlocutors.

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