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How to quickly salt red fish at home?

How to quickly salt red fish at home?
How to quickly salt red fish at home?

Video: Salt Crusted Red Drum Fish Recipe 2024, July

Video: Salt Crusted Red Drum Fish Recipe 2024, July

There are situations when there is raw red fish, but you do not want to cook fish soup or fry from it. In this case, it is better to treat yourself to a home-made light-salted marine fish. We offer a quick recipe for making slightly salted red fish yourself.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Products

  • • Fish (trout, salmon, pink salmon) - 1-1.5 kg

  • • Medium or coarse salt - 3-5 tablespoons. Salt is needed not iodized, without flavoring.

  • • Sugar - 1-1.5 tablespoons

  • • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp (can be replaced with ground allspice)

  • • Bay leaf - 3-5 pcs. (can also be replaced with ground bay leaves or broken into small pieces with your hands)

  • • Dried dill (optional)

  • Tableware:

  • • Capacity for salting

  • • Oppression (pan or jar of water)

Instruction manual


If the fish was unfinished, then remove the head, cut off the tail and fins. Cleanse the fish from the insides and remove the spine. To do this, make a cut with a sharp knife from the back and carefully divide the fish into 2 parts. Carefully remove the spine and large bones. For bones, tweezers can be used. If the fish is small, that is, it fits entirely in a pickling container, then leave 2 fillets on the skin. If the fish is initially large, it is best to cut it into 2-3 parts.


Next, prepare a mixture for salting. In a clean, dry container, mix salt, sugar, black pepper, and bay leaf. The mixture should be enough for all the pieces, if a little remains, then the rest of the dry pickling mixture is simply poured on top of the pieces.


Then proceed to salting the fish. To do this, take each piece of fish in your hand and evenly cover it, and rub it a little with a pickling mixture. Prepared fish is covered on top with a cutting board or plate and oppression is established. For 2-3 hours, the fish is left to salt at room temperature, then taken out to a cool place for a day. If the pieces of fish were large, then you can hold the fish in salting a little more than a day.


The taste of salted fish is affected by the feedstock. For home ambassador, it is advisable to choose fresh fish, if one was not found in the store or on the market, then it is permissible to use frozen red fish. In this case, pay attention to the fact that the fish should have a pleasant appearance and smell even when frozen: without breaks, spots and in a uniform ice crust.

Defrost fish at room temperature, in vivo, without using hot water or a microwave.

Useful advice

1. Which fish to choose? Any fish is suitable for salting, be it trout, salmon, chum salmon and even pink salmon. The latter types of fish are more lean, but no less tasty.

2. If you want to improve the quality of fish, then use sea salt for salting. It evenly absorbs moisture from fish meat, without dehydrating it at the same time.

3. Slices of homemade slightly salted can be used to make sandwiches for breakfast, a picnic, or prepare fish slices from them on a festive table. Unusual and tasty is a salted fish with finely chopped fresh herbs, such as dill or parsley. A surprisingly tasty combination is obtained if curd cheese is added to the red fish of the home ambassador and twisted small snack roulettes.

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