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Candied ginger

Candied ginger
Candied ginger

Video: Candied Ginger Recipe 2024, July

Video: Candied Ginger Recipe 2024, July

Candied fruits are a healthy delicacy that can completely replace sweets. They are good to give to children. Candied fruits contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Soft and tasty, they will make a wonderful pair of tea or even coffee.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 kg of ginger

  • - 1 lemon

  • - 400 g sugar

  • - 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • - a pinch of ground nutmeg

Instruction manual


Rinse ginger under running water, dry and peel. Dice approximately 1 cm per 1 cm. Put in a pan. Pour sugar, add cinnamon and nutmeg, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Mix thoroughly, cover and let it brew for 4 hours.


Next, put the pan on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Let the ginger cool for 3 hours and boil again for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure again. Cover the tray with paper towels and take the cooled ginger out of the syrup and place it on a tray in a thin layer.


When the wipes are saturated with excess liquid - remove them. Cover candied fruits with gauze and put in a ventilated area for a week. Such candied fruit is good to serve with herbal tea. This is an excellent winter treat, because ginger enhances immunity and helps the body resist viral diseases. And they also have a very interesting sweet island flavor.


Still, do not forget that the delicacy is even more useful than sweets, and it contains a lot of sugar.

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