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What to cook with beans in tomato sauce

What to cook with beans in tomato sauce
What to cook with beans in tomato sauce

Video: How to Cook Fresh Green Beans In Tomato Sauce 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Fresh Green Beans In Tomato Sauce 2024, July

Beans in tomato sauce go well with various types of meat. As a result of the stew, a tasty, satisfying second course is obtained, and it is very healthy. Beans contain practically all substances necessary for the human body.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 300 g of meat (pork);

  • - 200 ml of beans;

  • - 2-3 tbsp. l tomato paste (tomatoes);

  • - onion;

  • - carrot;

  • - 1 clove of garlic;

  • - salt (to taste);

  • - pepper (to taste);

  • - starch.

Instruction manual


Bean stew with meat is the dish that takes time to prepare. Soak the beans in cold water for several hours. It is best to soak the beans in the morning in order to have time to prepare the dish for dinner. After the beans are soaked with water, pour boiling water over it and cook over low heat until cooked. Put the beans in the same water in which you soaked them. Cooking time takes about 1.5 hours, depending on the variety of beans.


In the meantime, prepare the meat. It is best to use pork in this dish. Cut the meat, remove all the films and divide into steaks, then stew in a pan, putting on a small fire.


Peel and chop the onions, rub the carrots on a fine grater. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil, add prepared onions, pieces of meat and carrots to it. Dish with salt and pepper to your taste. Crush the garlic with a garlic squeezer and add to the product. Simmer the meat in a pan under the lid until its own moisture evaporates.


For the dish 2-3 tbsp. l tomato paste to be diluted with water in a glass. Also, tomato sauce can be replaced with ordinary tomatoes, which must be peeled and crushed to a homogeneous mass. Using tomatoes will make the dish tastier, better and much more healthy. Add the tomato paste to the stew and season with salt, pepper and stew again for 10 minutes.


In a cup, dilute a spoonful of starch in water and pour into a stewed bean with meat. Starch is used to make the sauce thicker. Stir constantly, stew the dish until cooked. Then put the stewed beans and meat on a plate and serve.


Thus, beans in tomato sauce can be stewed with meat, and also served separately as a side dish for any meat dish. At the same time, beans will taste good both in hot and in cold form. This is the product that contains vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins, and tomato sauce can significantly improve the taste of beans.

Useful advice

Keep in mind that if your beans are slightly shuffled, then you do not need to add starch, because the tomato sauce in the dish will already be thick in structure.

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