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What can be cooked from mashed potatoes: recipes

What can be cooked from mashed potatoes: recipes
What can be cooked from mashed potatoes: recipes

Video: 3 Easy Recipes with Mashed Potatoes 2024, July

Video: 3 Easy Recipes with Mashed Potatoes 2024, July

Mashed potatoes - food that can often be seen on our table. If you have a small portion of mashed potato left after dinner, do not rush to throw it away, because from it you can cook a lot of all kinds of dishes and snacks for every taste.


Pick your recipe

From mashed potatoes, as mentioned above, you can cook a lot of all kinds of dishes, you just have to "turn on" the fantasy. However, the most common dishes are potato zrazy, pies and casseroles.

How to make potato pie

You will need:

- two glasses of mashed potatoes;

- two eggs;

- 1/2 cup kefir;

- 1/2 teaspoon of soda;

- salt and spices (to taste);

- 150 grams of fresh champignons;

- onion;

- one medium carrot;

- a small bunch of parsley and dill;

- flour (how much dough will take).

To fill:

- two eggs;

- 1/2 cup mayonnaise;

- salt.

Take mashed potatoes, if there are lumps in it, then mash them. Add to it an egg, salt, a teaspoon of flour, spices to taste and mix everything thoroughly. Take a pan, pour kefir into it, add the egg and soda and gradually pour flour into this mass and mix. Knead an elastic dough of medium density. Wash the mushrooms, dry, cut into slices and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Peel and chop the carrots and onions and fry them too. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, put the dough on the bottom and form “sides”, put the fried onions and carrots on the dough, potato mince, then mushrooms. In a small container, mix all the ingredients for pouring and pour the pie with it. Garnish with chopped greens on top. Bake the cake until cooked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees (baking time from 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the diameter of the mold).


How to cook potato zrazy with cottage cheese

You will need:

- two glasses of mashed potatoes;

- two eggs;

- a glass of cottage cheese;

- a bunch of fresh dill;

- flour (how much dough will take);

- vegetable oil.

In a bowl, mix mashed potatoes and egg, salt this mixture. Add so much flour to this mass to make a soft, supple dough. Next, prepare the filling: mix the cottage cheese with the egg and chopped dill, salt. Put the frying pan on the fire, pour oil into it, in the meantime, from a potato dough, form a pie-cake, put a small amount of filling inside and pinch the edge. Place the prepared food in the pan. In the same way, form the remaining zrazy and fry on both sides until golden. Potato zrazy ready, serve them best with sour cream or garlic sauce, which you can cook yourself.


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