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Banana balls

Banana balls
Banana balls

Video: Banana Balls - Fried Tasty Banana Ball Recipe | Easy Snack Recipe 2024, July

Video: Banana Balls - Fried Tasty Banana Ball Recipe | Easy Snack Recipe 2024, July

This dessert will appeal to both kids and adults. Light, airy banana balls with nuts quickly cook. They will help out the mothers at those moments when the kids require something tasty.


Pick your recipe


  • Butter - 4 tablespoons;

  • Bananas - 10 pcs;

  • Chopped nuts (any) - 100g;

  • Raisins - 50 g;

  • Nutmeg - ½ teaspoon;

  • Cardamom - ½ teaspoon;

  • Sugar - 100g;

  • Coconut flakes - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Peel the bananas, cut them into pieces and set them aside.

  2. In a deep frying pan, heat the butter and fry the pre-chopped nuts in it.

  3. When you see that the nuts are brown, add raisins to them and fry for a couple of seconds, after which we pour a mixture of ground cardamom and nutmeg, mix and remove from heat.

  4. In a pan with a thick bottom, heat the oil and put in it to fry the bananas until they become soft. Add the granulated sugar to the bananas and continue stirring until the mass becomes homogeneous and thick. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

  5. Once the banana mass has cooled, we divide it into 15 parts.

  6. We also divide the nut filling into 15 parts. Now we form the balls ourselves: roll each part of the banana mixture into a round cake, put the nut filling inside and form a ball. And so repeat fifteen times.

  7. Now heat the oil in deep fat and fry the balls for about 2 minutes until golden brown. Carefully watch the balls during frying so that they do not stick together.

  8. After frying, lay the balls on a paper towel so that extra glass of oil is with it. It is better to serve hot, sprinkled with coconut or chocolate chips.

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