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Fragrant coffee in the morning to drink or not to drink?

Fragrant coffee in the morning to drink or not to drink?
Fragrant coffee in the morning to drink or not to drink?

Video: 7 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know 2024, July

Video: 7 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know 2024, July

Is coffee good or bad? Today, there are many opinions about this drink. We will not go into medicine and consider the benefits and harms at the biological level in such detail, but just take note of some points. Which will help to decide whether to drink this drink or better to abstain.


Pick your recipe

There are many opinions on whether or not coffee is good. Of course, coffee, like any product, has both beneficial properties and harmful to the human body. However, the benefit or harm depends on how often and in what quantities you will use this product.

1. Coffee is addictive

In fact, everything will depend on whether you only drink coffee and how many cups of coffee you drink. On the one hand, however, doctors believe that coffee is not addictive, on the other hand, people who stop drinking coffee feel obvious lethargy, they have a headache, they can be irritable, etc.

If you drink, for example, 3-4 cups a day, while besides coffee you like to drink a cup of tea, cocoa and other things, then you have no and there can be no dependence. If you only drink coffee and do not perceive any other drink, but would like to change it, it is better to gradually reduce the dose of caffeine. For example, you drank 8-10 mugs a day - gradually reduce to only 8, then 7, 6, etc. At the same time, include in the diet, for example, 1 cup of tea (preferably green, as it resembles coffee in effect) or a glass of juice, etc. Gradually, you will reduce the amount of coffee you drink and at the same time diversify your "menu".

2. Coffee negatively affects health

Here again, it all depends on moderation in use. Indeed, coffee is contraindicated for people suffering from certain diseases. However, there are medical studies that, on the contrary, confirm the beneficial effects of coffee.

So, for example, coffee reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease. In addition, coffee has a beneficial effect on memory (especially in old age). Also, coffee increases the effectiveness of antibiotics.

3. Natural coffee is better than instant

And indeed it is. Instant coffee contains various synthetic additives. Which, accordingly, does not add to his benefit. In addition, studies have shown that natural coffee increases libido in women. So some men should think about whether it is so bad to please a woman with a cup of coffee, especially in the morning.

A cup of aromatic coffee perfectly cheers up and energizes for several hours ahead! Try different types of coffee: with milk, with cinnamon, Turkish, Viennese, Irish, and so on. Brew coffee in a turkish coffee maker or coffee machine. Do not deny yourself this wonderful drink. The main thing is to keep a balance.

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