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Snack Severomorskaya

Snack Severomorskaya
Snack Severomorskaya

I like to cook snacks for my family. They are made quickly and easily, they take little time and most importantly it is very tasty. On your table every day a new and original dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - White wheat bread - 1 loaf,

  • - capelin caviar (not smoked) - 1 can,

  • - salmon or salmon fillet of weak salt - 1 pack (200 g),

  • - canned sweet pepper - 200 g,

  • - dill - a bunch,

  • - arugula leaves or a regular green salad - for decoration,

  • - butter for frying.

Instruction manual


First I cook the bread: I cut the bread into slices and lightly fry in butter in a frying pan until golden brown, but you can simply dry it slightly in the toaster; the size of the bread is to your taste.


I chop the dill very finely and mix it with the capelin caviar. I spread capelin caviar on each slice, and on top - with a rosette - fish.


In the center of the dish on the leaves of greenery I place finely chopped bell pepper (preferably with the addition of olive oil), which will serve as a spicy addition to the snack.


Another version of this snack, which I also often make: instead of capelin caviar, I use cheese and garlic filling (I grate it on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise and chopped herbs), and instead of fish, ham. Pepper with arugula invariably in the center. If there are many guests, then two different snacks on the table are very convenient and beautiful.

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