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Choose a big berry in August

Choose a big berry in August
Choose a big berry in August

Video: berry picking iceland august 2017 2024, July

Video: berry picking iceland august 2017 2024, July

Summer is a very good time of the year, since it is at this time that the fruits and berries ripen, which we all love. Especially our attention is attracted by such a marvelous berry called watermelon. But very often it happens that when choosing this product people make mistakes and become victims of poor-quality goods. Here you will find tips on how to choose a watermelon and avoid trouble after buying it.


Pick your recipe

The very first rule is not to take watermelons before August. If you saw him on the shelves in July, then there are high guarantees that he is on nitrates, and you risk poisoning.

Try not to take watermelons on the side of the road, as they absorb all the dust and exhaust fumes that could affect your health.

The most important rule - do not be afraid to ask the seller about the quality of the goods, since this is your money and your health, therefore you are the main ones in this situation. If he doesn’t like something, then feel free to leave; you will not get anything from it.

Do not take giants watermelons of 10-15 kilograms. There is a high probability that they have a lot of nitrates and they are thick-skinned. Try to choose between 5-8 kilograms. If you are a fan of large watermelons, then it is better to take two at once.

Tap on a watermelon. The sound should be voiced. This indicates his ripeness. If the sound is deaf, then, most likely, the watermelon is ripe. However, if you are inexperienced, then you can very well use this trick in order to convince the seller that you are already an experienced buyer.

You can also squeeze a watermelon. In the case of its elasticity and a little cod, the chance of ripe watermelon grows. But do not press very hard so that it does not split in your hands, otherwise this can lead to an awkward situation.

Ask the seller to cut a small piece and see how it looks inside, because as we know, appearance is often deceiving. Pay particular attention to the bones. In ripe watermelons, they are always dark brown or black. When instead of them there are only light bones, this suggests that the product is not ripe.

Pay attention to the ponytail. When the tail is dry and yellowish, this also indicates the ripeness of the watermelon. If the tail is cut off, then most likely the seller wants to hide the true period of the goods. Also, ripe watermelons have a green peel as if glossy. But be careful, because the seller can wax it, and the peel will also have a glossy look, but then you can make a mistake and choose a poor-quality product.

So you bought a watermelon, but do not think that after that you can immediately eat it. The first step is to throw it into the water for several hours. Thanks to this, as much dust and exhaust gases that he absorbed during the trip will come out of him. After 3-4 hours in cool water, you can get a watermelon and start a meal. You can simultaneously conduct an experiment and throw it in a bucket of water. A pure watermelon without nitrates pops up, because it consists of 98% water. But if it has a high nitrate content, then it will sink.

Of course, there are ways to choose a large red berry by the shaft, but here are the basic tips that a buyer should know. Eat as many watermelons as possible and be healthy!

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