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Vienna pastry

Vienna pastry
Vienna pastry

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Video: Vienna Austria - Part 1: Breakfast At Café Central 2024, July

Video: Vienna Austria - Part 1: Breakfast At Café Central 2024, July

Viennese dough is different from ordinary yeast with light baking, airiness and the fact that it does not stale for a long time. Therefore, Easter cakes are prepared from this test. In addition, delicious buns, buns, rolls, rum women are obtained from it.


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Viennese Dough Recipe


- milk - 1 l;

- eggs - 10 pcs;

- butter - 0.5 - 0.6 kg;

- granulated sugar - 1 - 1.2 kg;

- fresh pressed yeast - 100 g;

- spices (ground cardamom, ground nutmeg, vanillin, orange zest);

- raisins multi-colored pitted - 350 g.

- salt - 1 teaspoon;

- flour - a little more than 2 kg.

Vienna dough is prepared for a long time. Better to put the dough in the evening. Dilute the yeast in a separate bowl, lightly sprinkle with sugar and moisten with warm water or milk. Boil the milk and cool to a warm state. Melt the butter. Separate the squirrels from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar, beat the whites separately in lush foam.

Transfer the yolks, whipped with sugar, into a large enamel pan, or a large enamel bucket, add the diluted yeast, warm milk and melted butter. Stir everything. At the end, add the whipped whites to the foam and mix again. Cover the pan with a clean linen cloth and leave for 12 hours. Cook raisins in the evening: peel the twigs attached to it, wash, rinse with boiling water, and dry.

In the morning, all the liquid will be a nostril dense cap. Pour 1 teaspoon of salt (without a slide), raisins and spices into it. Then gradually pour well-sifted flour, stirring it first with a wooden spoon and then with your hands until the dough starts to stick off from the hands and from the sides of the pan (sometimes it takes 40 minutes to knead the dough, no less). Then cover the pan with a lid and wrap, leave in a warm place for 2 hours.

After 1.5 hours, open the pan lid and see if the dough has risen. If the dough has risen to the top, you can knock it again and leave to rise again. And you can immediately start the oven.

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