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Which fruit has the most iron?

Which fruit has the most iron?
Which fruit has the most iron?

Video: 16 High Iron Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions 2024, July

Video: 16 High Iron Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions 2024, July

Iron is a vital trace element. First of all, women 20-50 years old need it, since the fairer sex lose more blood throughout their lives than men. For example, during childbirth and menstruation. Therefore, it is very important for them to eat iron-containing fruits in order to prevent anemia.


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No need to think that men and children do not need iron. Using iron in berries and fruits, you can get rid of increased fatigue, apathy, dizziness. To increase the efficiency and resistance of the body during the period of seasonal exacerbation of diseases.


The richest plant source of iron is blueberries - 7 mg per 100 g. This berry also contains copper and vitamin C, which greatly increase iron absorption. Blueberries are extremely useful for diseases of the eyes, intestines, and kidneys. Tea from dried berries removes putrefactive decomposition products from the body, and also eliminates sand from the kidneys.


The second source of iron is black currant (5.2 mg per 100 g). Not only berries are useful, but also currant leaves. They have a lot of vitamin C and copper, which combine perfectly with iron. But since calcium and magnesium are present in blackcurrant, which reduce its absorption, this berry cannot be considered the most valuable source of iron. Therefore, currants often acts as a remedy for scurvy and viral diseases, and not anemia.


Enough iron and apricots, or rather, dried apricots. This product contains 4.7 mg of micronutrient per 100 g. Therefore, a decoction of dried apricots helps to get rid of anemia and blood pressure, problems with blood circulation and vision. Another dried apricots is a great way to maintain immunity in the cold season.


Peach is quite valuable as a source of iron - 4.1 mg per 100 g. Which, moreover, contains a large amount of vitamin A, which makes it possible to consume iron in the liver.


The most popular iron fruits are apples. Although, compared with blueberries and dried apricots, they do not contain much of this trace element - only 2.2 mg per 100 g. But the juice of fresh sour apples significantly increases the level of iron in the blood with iron deficiency anemia, regulates the content of vitamin C in the body and prevents avitaminosis. Plus, almost no one is allergic to apples, so they are a very valuable fruit.


Iron is also present in raspberries, although not in such quantities as in blueberries or black currants. Despite the small content of this microelement - 1.7 mg per 100 g - it is perfectly absorbed, since the berry is rich in copper and vitamin C.


A valuable source of energy - bananas - also contains iron - 0.8 mg per 100 g. Bananas are usually given to children, since they are hypoallergenic.


Adults who need iron most should not consume these fruits and berries with cottage cheese and dairy products, since calcium reduces the absorption of iron. But babies up to six months old, who need only 0.27 mg of a microelement per day (compared with the adult norm of 15-18 mg), can be given blueberries, currants, raspberries and a banana with cottage cheese, since calcium is more important for them.

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