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Tale cake according to GOST y: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Tale cake according to GOST y: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Tale cake according to GOST y: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: Rotting Leg, Spooky Candy Apples | Gory Halloween Cake Ideas | How To Cake It Step By Step 2024, July

Video: Rotting Leg, Spooky Candy Apples | Gory Halloween Cake Ideas | How To Cake It Step By Step 2024, July

Cake "Fairy Tale" is familiar to many. Prepare this dessert, giving it the shape of a rectangle, oval or roll. A step-by-step description, photos will help in this creative work.


Pick your recipe

The Tale cake was a popular dessert back in the USSR. It can be prepared in the form of logs, rolls or rectangles. The hallmark of this biscuit dish is decorating the top so that it resembles a fairy glade.

Tale cake according to GOST - recipe



  • 140 g of wheat flour;

  • 4 eggs;

  • 400 g of sugar;

  • 2 tbsp. l cognac;

  • 2 egg yolks;

  • 200 g butter;

  • 70 g of powdered sugar;

  • 110 ml of water;

  • 120 ml of milk;

  • 2 tbsp. l vanilla sugar;

  • 50 g candied fruit;

  • 1 tsp cocoa powder.

How to make a biscuit


An easy recipe will help to make a homemade fairy tale cake. A phased master class begins with the preparation of a biscuit.

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Put the squirrels in the refrigerator. Add 200 g of sugar to the yolks and beat them. The mass should increase in volume and lighten. Then pour flour here, mix.

  2. Add a pinch of salt to the chilled proteins and beat well. Put it to the yolk dough, mix gently.

  3. Lubricate the rectangular shape with butter, lightly sprinkle it with flour. Such a trick will not allow the test to stick to the bottom of the container and the finished biscuit can be easily removed from it.

  4. Next, a step-by-step classic recipe suggests putting the dough in the oven, which is heated to 180 ° C, for half an hour.

  5. While the base of the cake is baking, do not open the oven so that the biscuit does not fall. You need to cook with the door closed, and sometimes you can monitor the biscuit through a glass window.

  6. In appearance, it will be clear that the cake is ready. It should become golden. Then open the oven and pierce the biscuit in the center with a wooden skewer. Take it out, if the dough does not stick to it, then you can get the container out of the oven. Cool the cake, then remove it from the mold.

  7. A delicious cake will be ready in a few hours. In the meantime, the biscuit should be left for 7-8 hours, so that it is insisted. At this time, place the cake on the grate, because if it is on a container with a solid bottom, it can stick to it. And in this position, the lower part will not get stronger, but may remain soft.

  8. The night has passed, you can begin to form a cake. First cut the corners of the biscuit to make an oval shape. Do not discard the cut off. Grind these pieces of biscuit with a blender into small crumbs. Look, if these residues are too light, then fry them a little in a dry frying pan, so that the future sprinkling turns light brown.

How to make cream, impregnation


Here's how the Tale cake is made. This homemade recipe is quite understandable, and the products are affordable, so this dessert can be prepared not only in the factory, but also in your own kitchen.

  1. To make cake cakes more tender, they will need to be soaked. But first make the syrup. Pour 80 g of sugar into a container with water, heat this mixture to a hot state, stirring occasionally to disperse granulated sugar.

  2. Remove the syrup from the heat and cool completely. Only then pour in cognac. If done earlier, some of this product may evaporate. A classic recipe implies the presence of a small amount of alcohol. But if you then give the Tale cake to young children, then you need to make an impregnation without a strong drink.

  3. To make the Shallot cream, put in a bowl with a thick bottom 2 yolks, 120 g of granulated sugar, pour 120 ml of milk. Combine these ingredients with a whisk and place the mass on a small fire. Stir it all the time so that the yolks do not curl. After boiling the mass, you need to cook it for 5 minutes, without stopping stirring. You will understand that the cream is ready when large bubbles appear on the surface, and it will be similar in consistency to condensed milk.

  4. Set the shallots aside to let it cool. At this time, beat the butter and icing sugar to such an extent that the mass becomes light. Then add vanilla sugar here and beat for another minute. In small portions, add milk cream to the butter and whisk at small speeds of the mixer blades. Put a portion of this mass in a pastry bag. Set aside the rest of the chocolate cream, then you will grease the sides of the finished product with it.

Cake making


  1. Take two tablespoons of white cream, put it in a small container. Place the same amount in another small bowl. Add green to one part and pink food coloring to the other. You can also use beet juice or redcurrant and spinach.

  2. Cut the biscuit twice along to make 3 parts. Pour with cooled sugar syrup. Now you need to grease each cake with white cream and stack them in a stack to make the “Fairy Tale” cake. It remains to brush it on all sides with chocolate cream, sprinkle with biscuit crumbs.

  3. With the remnants of chocolate cream, decorate the top of the cake. And between these islets, place cream roses of the corresponding color, green leaves and candied fruits.

  4. Now the Tale cake should stand in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, so that the cakes are soaked in syrup and the cream is frozen. After this time, you can taste a good dessert.

If you like unusually shaped cakes, then pay attention to the following recipe.

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