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Stevia for weight loss: what is it and how does it work

Stevia for weight loss: what is it and how does it work
Stevia for weight loss: what is it and how does it work

Table of contents:

Video: The Problem with Stevia 2024, July

Video: The Problem with Stevia 2024, July

Often in articles on proper nutrition and weight loss, you can find the mention of stevia as a complete sweetener. What is it and how does it help to fight excess weight?


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Stevia is a perennial plant in the Astrov family that grows in Central and South America. Ground stevia is widely used as a sweetener and is often used in the treatment of obesity. The extracts contained in stevia are 300 times sweeter than sucrose, therefore, in comparison with regular sugar, a much smaller amount is required to achieve a sweet taste in the stevia dish.

A few interesting facts about stevia:

  1. Stevia has been used as a sweetener for several hundred years.

  2. Stevia almost does not affect the level of glucose in the blood, therefore it is allowed to diabetics.

  3. The feeling of sweetness when using stevia comes longer than with regular sugar, but lasts a longer time.

  4. With high concentration, stevia can acquire a bitter aftertaste.

  5. There has been controversy around the safety of stevia for a long time, as research has yielded conflicting results. However, in 2006, the World Health Organization finally recognized Stevia extracts (steviosides and rebaudiosides) as non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and generally harmless to the body.

  6. Stevia is especially widespread in Japan - here it is used in the production of drinks and many food products.

  7. The taste of stevia extracts resembles cane sugar, however, dried leaves can leave a bitter aftertaste.

How to use stevia for weight loss?

Stevia is a great alternative to sugar for losing weight sweet tooth. It gives the dishes a sweet taste, but does not add calories (100 g of stevia contains only 18 kcal). There are several forms of release of food additives based on stevia: in granules, tablets, powder, and also in the form of syrup. In addition, on sale, for example, in phyto-pharmacies, you can find dried crushed leaves of the plant.

With stevia, you can brew tea and add it to compotes, stevia-based sweeteners are put in baked goods, desserts, cereals. Decoctions of stevia leaves are used as a drink that reduces appetite. The use of stevia instead of sugar can reduce the calorie intake by an average of 15%.

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