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Bone plum jam: a step-by-step recipe with photo for easy cooking

Bone plum jam: a step-by-step recipe with photo for easy cooking
Bone plum jam: a step-by-step recipe with photo for easy cooking

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Video: BUTTER + EGGS = ART, sometimes 2024, July

Video: BUTTER + EGGS = ART, sometimes 2024, July

Summer, like a butterfly, flew into the window, passing the turn of autumn - to reap the fruits of their labors. If you managed to collect an impressive crop of plums in September, then why not conjure a little over them? What about jam? Fragrant and rich, with a slight acidity … Such that from the first spoon back to plunge headlong into the summer?


Pick your recipe

Vitamin Storeroom

Like most plum fruits - vitamin … no, still not a bomb, but a find. With the same kiwi, for example, she cannot compete. But then it is known for certain that all fruits and vegetables that have a dark color are obviously more useful than their pale counterparts. This is because the dark color of the product indicates the presence of a large amount of antioxidants in it. And antioxidants are first of all a guarantee of youth and beauty.

Therefore, if you have a notable plum crop in your country house or you just love these fruits, you can, after eating them to their full capacity, cook jam from them. In winter, it will pamper you with vitamins, taste and aroma! Moreover, it is not at all complicated to prepare. You don’t even have to be a desperate housewife to cope with it. It is enough to have a supply of fruit, a good mood and free time.

If you set out to get the perfect plum jam with a stone, you need to be prepared for time costs. The classic recipe, although very simple, but with the long intervals necessary to cool the sweet bite. Therefore, immediately tune in for two to three days. Just do not be scared. You do not have to stand at the stove all this time. There will be a drain, without your active participation. Cook jam in three stages. To maintain maximum vitamins, the process will take place without prolonged languishing of the fruit on fire. If you want the treat to be as viscous as marmalade, choose long dark plums. This variety is also called "prune". If you like liquid jam, then choose soft, juicy varieties. Here's an interesting step-by-step recipe for making "prunes."

Essential Ingredients

You will need:

  • kilogram drain;

  • three glasses of water;

  • kilogram of sugar.

Preparatory stage

First you need to sort the drain. Throw away any spoiled fruit. It is better to refuse crushed fruits. Otherwise, you will have to forget about the form. You will get amorphous spreading jelly. Rinse the plums well, fold them in a colander to let the liquids drain, clean them of the “tails”. Then gently pierce each drain with a fork or knife. This is necessary so that in the process of cooking the fruits do not crack or burst. And also - that sugar syrup evenly nourishes them. If you have a very sharp knife in the kitchen, you can make cuts with it.


Making sugar syrup

Next, proceed to the preparation of sugar syrup. To do this, take sugar and water in the stated proportions and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.


Put the plums in a wide pot and pour the prepared syrup. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes over low heat. During this time, lower the plums into the syrup with a slotted spoon so that they are thoroughly soaked. They will jump out and ask outside, but be unshakable - systematically lower them in sweet water.


Now turn off the gas and let the drains cool. You can’t rush here. Therefore, put the pan in a dark place and forget about it for 6-7 hours. After the allotted time has passed, repeat the procedure a second time, and then a third. Do everything exactly the same as the first time - boil briefly and cool for about seven hours. If you have enough creative fervor and patience, then you can play the fulfilled script for the fourth time.

Here the secret is simple - each time the jam becomes thicker and richer. Such numerous repetitions of the same actions in the most favorable way will affect its taste. If you perform these manipulations only two times, then the jam will turn out liquid, without the ductility of chewing gum. Choose for yourself which option you prefer. After the last repetition, on which you decide to stop, it is time to lay out the jam in jars.

Sterilization of cans

For this, banks need to be sterilized in advance. Usually, every desperate housewife already has her own favorite and proven method of sterilization. If this procedure is new to you, then there is an easy solution. Wash and dry the jars. Then evenly distribute on the baking sheet, placing them with the neck down. Set the temperature to 120 degrees. And leave for ten minutes. At this temperature, all microbes and bacteria will die, while the banks will remain intact. They do not burst, crack or warp. This is the easiest and fastest sterilization method, time-tested.


Now that the jars are ready, lay the jam on them.

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