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Beer skewers (pork, chicken, beef and lamb)

Beer skewers (pork, chicken, beef and lamb)
Beer skewers (pork, chicken, beef and lamb)

Video: Lamb roasted in beer. ENG SUB. 2024, July

Video: Lamb roasted in beer. ENG SUB. 2024, July

Shish kebab is already a tradition, an integral part of summer holidays. But there is a recipe for meat barbecue on beer. This marinade is used to make the kebab soft. Such a dish will have a delicate, spicy, juicy, bright and unusual taste. And the meat is simply pickled.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - meat (chicken, pork, beef, lamb);

  • - Beer (preferably dark "Baltic 3";

  • -bow;

  • pepper, salt;

  • - stainless steel skewers (so that there is no oxidation);

  • - pan or bowl (size depends on the amount of meat and marinade);

  • - a little knife;

  • - cutting board for raw meat and onion board.

Instruction manual


How to choose meat for barbecue?


An advantage will be the neck with layers of fat.


It is better to choose a meat of a young animal for barbecue. The fat in such meat should have a white color, and not pale pink or yellowish. An excellent leg of lamb or ribs is perfect.


It is necessary for cooking to choose a kebab from the neck, since this meat is the most tender in this place, from such meat the kebab will not seem dry.

- A hen.

It is best for chicken kebabs to use legs or wings. Dried breast meat is likely to disappoint you. But it can also be saturated with marinade. About it further.



How to chop kebab?


Pork is best cut into pieces that will be about the size of a large chicken egg. So it will be easier to string along the fibers. If you grill meat on a wire rack, then it will be more profitable to cut it into flat pieces about 2 cm wide across the fibers.


Cut the meat into small pieces without trying to free it from all the bones. Long bones should be chopped. The leg of the lamb can be properly marinated, baked and whole.


Cut into slices that are about the size of a large chicken egg.

-A hen

Just cut into small pieces. If the leg or wing, then do not cut.

Cut the selected meat (best of all, after all, pork, because it is fatty, more juicy) cut into the desired slices. Not too small, otherwise it will be only dry coals after cooking. But it’s not worth it too large, because will be cooked for a long time and may remain raw inside.

Important! You need to cut it on a separate board for raw meat, because meat can "absorb" the taste of those products that were previously sliced ​​on this board. Also, meat before heat treatment can be dangerous for our body, therefore, in order to maintain hygiene in the kitchen, use different boards for different types of products. Wood planks are best. They usually do not oxidize the product and preserve its natural taste.



How to make a marinade?

Slice the onion (on a separate “onion and garlic” board). You can cut finely and finely specially for the marinade, and then use the remaining marinade for cooking other dishes (spaghetti in sauce). Just remember that the marinade is stored at a plus temperature for 1-2 days. In the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

You can chop the onion rings and subsequently cook with the meat.

Beer (about half a liter per 1.5 kg of meat) mixed with onions, add pepper and salt.

You may think that the meat is still tough. Then add finely chopped kiwi fruit or pieces of pineapple to the marinade. This will help speed up the process, and the meat will turn out softer. Important! Do not use vinegar in the marinade, as the meat will be very coarse. In general, you need to control the amount of acidic ingredients, because their excess can lead to the opposite effect: meat, on the contrary, will become more stringent.



How to pickle kebab?

The marinade should be so large that all the pieces are hidden in it. When you pour the marinade over the meat, mix well so that the marinade is evenly distributed.

Beer marinade gives a soft but bright flavor. Keep kebab meat in the marinade for 1 to 10 hours. You can marinate at night. Then every piece is soaked. Pork.

Pork will be pickled in just three hours, but if you leave it in the marinade all night, the taste will not suffer. On the contrary, the dish will be juicier and gain a brighter taste, and the meat will only become more tender. Mutton.

It is most favorable for lamb to pickle for five hours, unless it is a milk lamb. When the lamb cools, it loses its charm, so eat it hot! Beef.

Beef is rather capricious meat for barbecue. Here it is necessary to marinate it well, in another case, the kebab will give you stiffness. Leave the beef meat in the marinade for a night or more. Mineral water based marinade is very good for beef. But beer will give a more salty taste with hint notes. A hen.

Chicken meat is that product for barbecue, which can be called the most marinated. It is enough to keep the chicken in the marinade for only half an hour or an hour. But if you leave the chicken overnight in the marinade, then the kebab will be juicier.



How to string kebab?

Shish kebab must be strung on stainless steel skewers. The meat should not hang down so as not to burn, but should be distributed evenly on the skewer. So that the meat does not dry out much, you need not to leave the distance between the strung meat. Between slices you can string pineapple or kiwi. So the meat will not be too stiff (these two products will give their moisture). You can string tomatoes (whole, otherwise they just burn) and cucumbers. Nice to eat and fried onion or garlic.



How to cook kebab?

Cooking meat is better on the grill. Still, it is fresh air and the cinder does not settle on the meat.

Important!!! Everyone saw that when the meat is cooked, then fat drips from it and fat flows out. So that it does not lose its juiciness, pour the kebab periodically when cooking with water. Make a couple of small holes in the bottle cap and clicking on the bottle you will get directed trickles (which will not sink everything in the world).



Do not forget to wash your hands when cooking and after. The meat must be washed before cooking. But without soap !!!

Useful advice

The human body needs all amino acids to build its own proteins. But they are not contained in the meat itself, but in animal protein. The human body is able to synthesize some amino acids itself, but those that cannot, are called indispensable. They can only be obtained from food.

Contrary to popular belief, vegetarians have no protein deficiency. Meat is not the only source of protein. You can not eat meat and have excellent muscles. There is a lot of protein in rice / Greek / oatmeal, pumpkin / sunflower / hemp seeds, in hazelnuts / peanuts / cashews / almonds / pine nuts, in beans / peas / soy / lentils, figs / avocados / zucchini / asparagus / cucumbers / potatoes and potatoes and much more.

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