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Squid and Prune Salad

Squid and Prune Salad
Squid and Prune Salad

Video: Warm Calamari Salad Recipe - How to Make a Warm Calamari Salad with Arugula & White Beans 2024, July

Video: Warm Calamari Salad Recipe - How to Make a Warm Calamari Salad with Arugula & White Beans 2024, July

For many, squids are considered exotic. And this, of course, is true, but this does not mean that you should not try to experiment with them in cooking. Now I bring to your attention one very interesting salad with calamari and prunes. Let's start cooking!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - squid - 250g;

  • - prunes - 100g;

  • - unsalted Adyghe cheese or unsweetened cottage cheese - 100g;

  • - sweet pepper - 1 pc;

  • - sour cream - 2 tablespoons;

  • - sugar - 2 teaspoons;

  • - salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

Instruction manual


So, for starters, we should thoroughly rinse the prunes, and then cut it into 4 parts along, that is, in length.


Then we take the cheese and cut it into strips. If you use cottage cheese instead of cheese for this salad, just leave it in large flakes.


Now proceed to the squid. They should be cleaned, boiled and cut into strips, like cheese.


We cut out all unnecessary from the pepper, that is, the stalk, and carefully remove all seeds from it. Then it needs to be chopped, only necessarily thinly.


We mix all our ingredients and add salt, sugar and sour cream to them. We thoroughly mix this whole thing, leave it on the table to infuse at room temperature for about 10 minutes. After that, the resulting salad should be mixed again, and you can serve it to the table! In this simple salad is a combination of hearty and sweet, which gives it a certain zest.

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