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Cucumbers: types and useful properties

Cucumbers: types and useful properties
Cucumbers: types and useful properties

Video: Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body 2024, July

Video: Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body 2024, July

Cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family. They are an integral part of salads, they can be eaten fresh, salted or pickled. It’s rare that anyone refuses this fresh, crunchy and juicy vegetable, which, with all its simplicity, is very healthy.


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India is considered the birthplace of cucumber, but it was cultivated in ancient Egypt and in Greece. In some temples you can see murals depicting cucumber lashes. Even now, monuments are being erected to this vegetable and holidays dedicated to him are being held.

Cucumbers can vary by type. The variety of cucumber is determined by size, shape, the presence of thorns or a gun. The spikes of cucumbers are white, black or brown. If the vegetable has white spikes, it is not recommended to use them for pickling, but cucumbers with black or brown spikes are a universal option, since they can be pickled, salt or just eat fresh.

Cucumber is 95% water, it contains a minimum of calories, but at the same time it is able to quickly satisfy hunger. Therefore, cucumber is often called a favorite female vegetable. Water in cucumbers is an adsorbent, by including this vegetable in the diet, you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The composition of cucumbers includes tartronic acid, which has a unique property - it neutralizes the action of carbohydrates, preventing the collection of fat mass. This property of cucumbers makes them an important product in dietary nutrition.

Cucumbers are rich in vitamins, minerals and acids, including phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid. They are a natural diuretic, and potassium and sodium in their composition help to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Regular use of this vegetable has a positive effect on the work of the heart, blood vessels and pancreas. Silicon and potassium contained in cucumbers make us more beautiful, because they improve the condition of the skin, turn dull, weakened hair into strong and shiny.

With a protracted cough, cucumber juice helps, it also facilitates the condition of patients with tuberculosis. The juice of the cucumber has a calming effect on the nervous system, in addition, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. If you mix the juice of cucumber with the juice of tomatoes and apples in the same proportions and add the squeezed clove of garlic, you get a drink, regular use of which can improve the composition of the blood.

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