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Is it possible to ferment cabbage in an aluminum pan

Is it possible to ferment cabbage in an aluminum pan
Is it possible to ferment cabbage in an aluminum pan

Video: The Complete Guide to Fermenting Every Single Vegetable 2024, July

Video: The Complete Guide to Fermenting Every Single Vegetable 2024, July

To preserve the cabbage crop for a long time, many sour / salt these vegetables, choosing suitable utensils for the procedure. The fact is that not all dishes are suitable for pickling.


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Aluminum utensils in the form of pots, ladles, pans and other things are very popular. This is not surprising, because utensils made of this material have a low cost, corrosion resistance, and due to the excellent thermal conductivity and ease of working with it.

However, the pluses of such dishes end there. The fact is that this utensil is often made not of pure aluminum, but of an alloy containing lead, arsenic, zinc, beryllium, etc., if used improperly, these substances can enter the human body. Aluminum dishes are suitable only for cooking dishes that contain the minimum amount of acids, for example, broths, fish, meat, soups, pasta, etc., but for the preparation of pickle, cabbage soup, stewed fruit, it is better to choose a container from another material. After all, as you know, acid destroys metals, and cooking acid-containing dishes in an aluminum container will necessarily lead to particles of metal falling into the dish.

Now for the sauerkraut. If you ferment cabbage in an aluminum pan, then the protective film covering aluminum will simply collapse under the influence of acids, as a result, the finished product will be harmful, and its taste will not change for the better.

If you are faced with a choice of what to ferment cabbage, then give preference to utensils made of neutral materials - enameled, wooden, glass. Enameled pots and tanks, wooden tubs and glass jars are ideal containers for pickling / pickling cabbage.

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