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Culinary secrets of Japanese longevity

Culinary secrets of Japanese longevity
Culinary secrets of Japanese longevity

Video: Explore Japan - The Secret to Longevity 2024, July

Video: Explore Japan - The Secret to Longevity 2024, July

In the temple cuisine that Buddhists have practiced in Japan for many centuries, a special role is played by the number 5. Five flavors, five ways of cooking, five colors that must be combined in a dish, five sacred phrases pronounced before eating and five culinary secrets Japanese longevity. It is about the secrets of Japanese cuisine that extend the life of the population of Japan, we will tell in more detail.


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The secret of monastery cuisine

The first culinary secret of Japanese longevity is a person’s attitude to the process of eating. For many centuries, people in Japan have been following the traditions that Buddhist priests practiced in ancient times. Eating for the Japanese is a ritual that involves a certain sequence of actions. Food is not an ordinary process of satisfying hunger, but a means of replenishing vital energy and spiritual growth.

According to the Japanese, food should heal a person, preserve his health, and help achieve personal excellence. This is what everyone should think during a meal. The ancient monks even pronounced the five special commandments before eating.

Vegetables in Japanese Cuisine

Vegetables are one of the main components of most dishes of Japanese cuisine and the second secret of longevity of this people. Among the assortment of culinary masterpieces, you can see a huge number of dishes from fresh, steamed or stewed vegetables. In addition, from an early childhood, the Japanese eat algae, which are champions in the content of vitamin C.


The third secret of Japanese longevity is soy. Use this product in a variety of forms. Soups, sauces and even cottage cheese are made from soy. Researchers note that it is thanks to the high consumption of soy products that Japanese residents maintain their health and maintain the longevity of the Japanese nation.


Rice is the main ingredient in Japanese cuisine and the fourth culinary secret of longevity. This product is high in carbohydrates, so it is often included in complexes of various diets. The Japanese suffer from the fight against excess weight several times less than representatives of other countries. In addition, eating rice without adding salt helps to eliminate toxins and cholesterol from the body.


Fish is the fifth culinary secret of Japanese longevity. This product is used by the Japanese constantly. Fish is becoming the main ingredient for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyone knows about the benefits of fish and seafood. The regular use of these products in food eliminates many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. It is noteworthy that fish prevents even many varieties of cancer.

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