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Kulich - how to bake quickly and tasty

Kulich - how to bake quickly and tasty
Kulich - how to bake quickly and tasty

Video: Traditional Russian Easter Bread | Paska | Kulich Bread Recipe | with Royal Icing | Кулич Пасхальный 2024, July

Video: Traditional Russian Easter Bread | Paska | Kulich Bread Recipe | with Royal Icing | Кулич Пасхальный 2024, July

Traditional Easter pastries are, of course, Easter cake. Easter cakes are always tasty, do not stale for a long time. And it is also very important - their preparation takes relatively little time. Of the specified number of products comes 6 small Easter cakes - the size of a faceted glass and 3 large ones.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - flour 1200g approximately

  • - pack of yeast 11 g

  • - half a liter of milk

  • - 6 eggs

  • - 200g of oil

  • - 300 g sugar or less

  • - raisins or candied fruits

  • For glaze:

  • - 2 squirrels

  • - 100g sugar

Instruction manual


Heat the milk, pour out the yeast. It is important that the milk is warm, not hot. Let it stand so that a “cap of foam” forms on the surface.


Add 500 grams of flour, mix well, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for about 30 minutes. While the dough is standing, separate the squirrels from the yolks. Rub the yolks with sugar, the proteins need to be cooled and whipped with a pinch of salt.


First add the yolks to the dough, mix. Then add the softened butter, mix. Lastly, add proteins, mix.


Add the remaining flour, knead. Add so much flour that the dough would not stick to your hands, but it was not too cool. Put in a warm place for an hour.

Add raisins or candied fruit soaked in advance, mix. Put in a greased dish, bake until cooked. The baking time depends on your oven.

Readiness can be checked with a wooden stick.



Beat whites, add sugar and whip until a stable foam.

Grease Easter cakes and decorate with sprinkles.

Useful advice

If desired, add vanilla sugar.

Kulich with candied fruit is loved by children.

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