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Kohlrabi with mushroom filling

Kohlrabi with mushroom filling
Kohlrabi with mushroom filling

Video: ФАРШИРОВАННЫЕ КОЛЬРАБИ!!! Gefüllte Kohlrabi! Stuffed kohlrabi! 2024, July

Video: ФАРШИРОВАННЫЕ КОЛЬРАБИ!!! Gefüllte Kohlrabi! Stuffed kohlrabi! 2024, July

Kohlrabi is very healthy and gentle on taste. The British came up with stuffing this small and unusual vegetable with mushrooms and baking in the oven, pouring with dissolved oil. They find the taste of kohlrabi close to cabbage and prefer this dish to cabbage rolls.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 90 g of oil;

  • - 6 kohlrabi;

  • - 1 onion;

  • - 2 eggs;

  • - 300 g of mushrooms;

  • - 30 g sesame seeds.

Instruction manual


Choose a larger kohlrabi. They need to be washed and cut out the middle so that it is convenient to stuff them.


Put the prepared kohlrabi to the bottom of a deep pan, pour a little water and simmer for a short time (about 10 minutes).


Heat the butter to evaporate the liquid.


We chop onions and fry in oil. After a few minutes, pour finely chopped mushrooms to the onion, salt and pepper. Fry, stew, adding egg yolks.


With the resulting mushroom paprikash we stuff kohlrabi. We put them in a convenient baking dish. Pour with the remaining butter (dissolved) and bake.


Shortly before the kohlrabi is ready (about 10 minutes later) we decorate them with squirrels whipped previously. Put in the oven again for a couple of minutes.


We use stuffed kohlrabi sprinkled with sesame seeds with sour cream.

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