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Strawberry Compote with Mint

Strawberry Compote with Mint
Strawberry Compote with Mint

Video: Rack of Lamb with Strawberry Mint Sauce – Easter Lamb with Strawberry Mint Sauce 2024, July

Video: Rack of Lamb with Strawberry Mint Sauce – Easter Lamb with Strawberry Mint Sauce 2024, July

Strawberry compote is loved not only by adults, but also by children! What could be better than opening a jar of compote in winter, enjoying the aroma of fresh strawberries and remembering the warm summer? Fragrant strawberry compote with mint and currant syrup is a wonderful drink for a festive table.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - Strawberries - 2.5 cups,

  • - sugar - 1 cup,

  • - water - 3 l,

  • - currant juice (black or red) - 1 cup,

  • - mint leaves.

Instruction manual


The layout described below is designed for a 3-liter jar. Peel strawberries, rinse well under running water several times. Allow to drain. Pour the berries into prepared clean, dry jars. The number of strawberries can be slightly increased depending on its size - the main thing is that the jar is filled by about a third. Add the mint leaves.


After this, it is necessary to prepare the syrup: stir the sugar with water and cook over low heat until completely dissolved. Pour in currant juice.


Pour the strawberries in the jars with the boiling syrup, immediately tightly roll the lids (previously boiled in water). Carefully turn the cans upside down and cover with a blanket for a day. Store stewed fruit in a cool place.


Try to take ripe strawberries for harvesting with dense pulp. From such berries, the compote will turn out to be richer and more aromatic.

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