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Calorie and beneficial properties of broccoli

Calorie and beneficial properties of broccoli
Calorie and beneficial properties of broccoli

Table of contents:

Video: 6 Healthy Facts About Broccoli You May Not Know About 2024, July

Video: 6 Healthy Facts About Broccoli You May Not Know About 2024, July

This vegetable is equally useful to people of different ages and gender. Broccoli are included in the diet by pregnant and lactating women. Broccoli is a mandatory product in the therapeutic diet of athletes undergoing recovery from injuries. A vegetable will help people suffering from diabetes and being overweight.


Pick your recipe

Broccoli is a representative of the cabbage family, a type of cauliflower. It is a dense combination of inflorescences collected in a loose head. The vegetable has a saturated green color, some types of cabbage are purple in color.

Beneficial features

Steamed broccoli is considered the most useful. With this type of heat treatment, the beneficial properties of the vegetable are not lost, and nutritional qualities are preserved. A portion of the finished product will provide the body with a daily norm of ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium.

  1. The vegetable contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which positively affect brain function.

  2. With the regular use of dishes from this type of cabbage, the risk of cancerous tumors is reduced, immunity is strengthened, and the state of the nervous system improves.

  3. Due to its fiber content, broccoli removes harmful substances, toxins and cholesterol from the body, and the digestive and cardiovascular systems work.

  4. The vegetable makes up for the lack of iron and protein in the body, promotes bone tissue regeneration, and stabilizes blood pressure.

  5. An excess of vitamin A in broccoli has a beneficial effect on vision.


The benefits of broccoli are undeniable. Cabbage gives the body a daily norm of vitamins and minerals: C, U, PP, B9 (folic acid), as well as provitamin A (beta-carotene). Fiber, natural antioxidants help reduce the risk of cancer and malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

  • in terms of vitamin A content, only pumpkin and carrots are comparable to broccoli;

  • there is much more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in broccoli than in citrus and other vegetables;

  • takes second place after asparagus in the amount of vitamin U in the composition;

  • broccoli - a source of phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, manganese;

  • by the amount of protein in the composition, the vegetable competes with the closest "relative" - ​​cauliflower.

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