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What preparations for the winter do in August

What preparations for the winter do in August
What preparations for the winter do in August

Video: 10 Winter Garden Prep Ideas 2024, July

Video: 10 Winter Garden Prep Ideas 2024, July

Each family, regardless of the source of the acquisition of fruit, at the end of summer actively starts harvesting for the winter, to diversify the menu all year and enjoy the delicious and fragrant gifts of forests, fields and gardens. August is the most plentiful month for the harvest, so the work ahead is intense. You should stock up on strength and patience for the collection and processing of fruits.


Pick your recipe

If the middle of the summer season was mainly devoted to the harvesting of berries and fruits, then the priority tasks of August are vegetables and mushrooms. In order to get tasty preserves while preserving the maximum amount of vitamins, it is necessary to grow or purchase high-quality raw materials and, without delaying the processing process, immediately put the crop into business.

So at the beginning of the month, Bulgarian pepper, squash, zucchini, onions and garlic begin to ripen. Those who did not manage to prepare parsley, cilantro, basil and dill for the winter still manage to do this in August. They can be salted, dried or just frozen. In the garden, cucumbers and tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, cauliflower, and beets are actively ripening. You can start harvesting young corn.

August - time for rolling and pickling tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and bell peppers assorted, individually or in the form of salads; preparations of adjika, grated horseradish with garlic, lecho, tomato sauce or pasta, caviar from zucchini or eggplant. August vegetables can be salted and rolled fresh or fried.

Beans are perfect for preparing salad for the winter with the addition of onions, carrots, peppers and tomatoes. It can be varied with other vegetables. Such a treat will become a real find in the absence of time or an unexpected visit of guests. Just open the jar and put the contents in a salad bowl.

At this time, you can prepare various soup dressings for the winter. They will be a great help to save time and effort of the hostesses. This dressing is the basis of the first dish and significantly saves time for its preparation. Some of them, such as dressing for pickle, can be used as a snack. It is enough to slightly warm it, spread it on bread and the unusual delicacy is ready.

In the last month of the summer season begins an active time for mushroom pickers. Mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, butter, boletus, boletus and other mushrooms can be pickled, salted, dried, frozen and boiled fresh.

The first harvest of gourds. The pulp of melons and watermelons is great for pickling. In the beginning - mid-August you can pick raspberries and blueberries. They are already leaving, but the berries are still enough to make jam or jam. The first pears and apricots are approaching, and from the middle of the month it is time to harvest apples, cherry plums and plums. They can be preserved, dried, turned into candied fruits, boiled jams, jam, juices, preserves, cover stewed fruit, frozen.

In order to preserve healthy and tasty preparations, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules for the preparation and preservation of raw materials. Then the labors will not be in vain, the containers with fruits will not explode, and their contents will not deteriorate.

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