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Which cereal is the most healthy?

Which cereal is the most healthy?
Which cereal is the most healthy?

Table of contents:

Video: Healthiest Cereal - Most and Least Healthy Breakfast Cereals 2024, July

Video: Healthiest Cereal - Most and Least Healthy Breakfast Cereals 2024, July

It is difficult to find a universal answer to the question of which cereal is the most useful, since each of them has its own unique set of vitamins and minerals. But in order to be able to properly organize their nutrition, it will not be out of place to figure out what are the properties of specific cereals.


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Useful properties of buckwheat groats

This is one of the most popular and common cereals, rich not only in vitamins of group B, PP, but also in microelements. Buckwheat is recommended for diabetic nutrition, as it not only perfectly satisfies hunger, but also regulates blood sugar. Buckwheat is no less useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and elevated cholesterol. For all the apparent base of the basic composition of this cereal in the form of carbohydrates, proteins are also present in it, therefore it can be used to organize a balanced menu in terms of nutritional composition.

Despite the fact that this cereal is quite high in calories, it has been successfully used for weight loss. For a week spent on buckwheat, you can lose up to 7 kilograms of weight.

The benefits of millet groats

Despite the fact that millet is considered difficult enough for digestion, its benefits are incomparable with other cereals. Since it not only prevents the gain of excess weight, helping to break down fats, but also removes excess mineral salts, including salts of heavy metals, formed due to adverse environmental conditions. It contains B vitamins, a small amount of vitamin PP, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and cobalt.

There is only one drawback for millet: with low acidity, cereals should be consumed dosed so as not to damage digestion.

The benefits of rice

By analogy with millet, rice performs the functions of cleansing the body, removing not only excess wastes and toxins, but also liquid in the cells. The basic starch base gives this cereal the ability to saturate well without overloading the stomach. This cereal contains not only B vitamins, but also vitamin E, as well as potassium, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus and even calcium.

The only disadvantage of cereal is that it is most common in peeled and polished form, while non-peeled rice, which retains the greatest amount of nutrients, is much more useful.

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