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How to bake pork with herbs

How to bake pork with herbs
How to bake pork with herbs

Video: How To Make Herb Roasted Pork | Allrecipes.com 2024, July

Video: How To Make Herb Roasted Pork | Allrecipes.com 2024, July

If you plan to visit a large number of guests, you can bake pork with herbs in the oven. A little more than an hour of time spent, and a gorgeous dish will be ready.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 600 gr. pork in one piece;

  • - 2 cloves of garlic;

  • - half a teaspoon of fennel seeds;

  • - a tablespoon of chopped fresh rosemary and thyme;

  • - half a tablespoon of red wine vinegar;

  • - half a teaspoon of honey;

  • - 2/3 tsp salts;

  • - half a teaspoon of ground black pepper;

  • - 4 tablespoons of olive oil.

Instruction manual


Preheat the oven to 175 ° C, prepare all the ingredients.



In a blender, mix garlic, fennel seeds, rosemary, thyme, honey, vinegar, salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. We grind all the ingredients and coat the meat with this mixture.



We heat in a pan 2 tablespoons of olive oil and fry the meat from all sides to a golden crust.


We shift the pork into the mold, pour the oil in which it was fried, and cover with foil. We bake for 30 minutes, remove the foil and bake the meat for another 30-40 minutes.


We give the dish "rest" for 15 minutes, and serve it on the table!


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