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How to freeze cherries

How to freeze cherries
How to freeze cherries

Video: How to Freeze Cherries 2024, July

Video: How to Freeze Cherries 2024, July

In modern cooking, cherry is far from the last place. With it you can cook milk soup, cream, dumplings, sauces, compotes and many other dishes. Cherry is also used as a dietary product that improves digestion and quenches thirst. It also has an expectorant, antiseptic, and mild laxative effect. How to prepare it for the winter in order to preserve all the useful properties as much as possible? The best solution is freezing.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • cherry;
    • plastic containers;
    • colander;
    • towel;
    • knife;
    • freezer.

Instruction manual


Buy a cherry or collect it on your site.


Go through the collected berries. Freezing cherries must be ripe. Remove any damaged, rotten and overripe berries. Remove all debris and stalks.


Put the berries in a large pot, completely fill them with cold water. Wash the berries by rubbing them gently with your hands.


Pull the cherry from the water with your hands and put it in a colander. In this case, all the dirt washed off from the cherries and settled to the bottom will remain in the pan. Let the water remaining on the berries drain.


Lay the cherry in one layer on a clean terry towel. Wait for the berries to dry completely.


Put the cherries in a plastic container. Please note that repeated freezing of berries is unacceptable. Freeze them in portions that you can eat at a time in winter.


If seedless cherries are required, remove them from the washed and dried berries with a knife or special tool. Lay the pitted cherries in containers.


Close the container with a lid and place it in the freezer at a temperature of minus 18 to minus 25 degrees.


It is possible to freeze berries in bulk. To do this, sprinkle clean, dry berries in a special tray, leaving a distance of 0.5 cm between them. Put the tray in the freezer and turn it on to maximum capacity. Leave the berries to freeze for 3-4 hours. After this, pour the berries into a bag or container and put them in the freezer for storage.


Pitted cherries can be frozen by sprinkling it with granulated sugar (lay in a container in layers).


In winter, cherries can be used without defrosting to make dumplings, pies, stewed fruit, jelly.

Defrosting cherries is best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Useful advice

Use dark cherries for freezing: it is sweeter than light cherries and contains more pectin.

You can use plastic bags to freeze cherries. However, keep in mind that when frozen, polyethylene becomes brittle. There is a danger of scattering freeze throughout the freezer.

To prevent frozen cherries from absorbing odors, store them separately from smelling foods.

freeze cherry

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