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How to cook seabass in the oven: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

How to cook seabass in the oven: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking
How to cook seabass in the oven: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: Italian Sea Bass Recipe w/ Oven-Baked Potatoes 2024, July

Video: Italian Sea Bass Recipe w/ Oven-Baked Potatoes 2024, July

Greece is considered his homeland. Locals do not dwell on it and use it in the preparation of many dishes. Now, due to its dietary composition, this fish has spread throughout the world. The sea bass tastes soft and soft, there are very few bones, and how good it is baked … Mmm … it just melts in your mouth!


Pick your recipe

Cooking features

Sea bass is considered a dietary product, so it can be safely used while observing various diets. Even consuming fish in large quantities, you can not worry about the figure. By trial and error, the cooks found out that the sea bass showed excellent results in combination with Provencal herbs. Do not neglect this advice, use it if necessary. Before serving, be sure to sprinkle it with lemon juice and olive oil. This will reveal even more intense taste. When choosing a product, use a little secret: press on the body of the fish with your finger and look at the result. If the hollow quickly smoothes out, then which product can be trusted. And if not, then it is better to refuse the purchase. This suggests that the fish is stale.

When the sea bass is safely delivered home, you can begin to prepare it selflessly. It is best to bake it in the oven. The process does not take much time, and the result will please. To get started, do the preparatory work. Prepare a special marinade: add light citrus juice to mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream and mix well. You can use vinegar for these purposes, but the mayonnaise-sour cream version is tastier. Keep the fish in the marinade for about an hour, giving it the opportunity to thoroughly feed them. If you have very little time, just grease the seabass on both sides with seasonings and drip a little lemon juice. All! The preparatory phase is left behind, you can proceed to baking.


Classic home recipe

To prepare it, you will need the following set of products:

  • 1 sea bass

  • 30 ml of olive oil;

  • head of onion or purple onion;

  • 1 lemon

  • Provencal herbs;

  • salt to taste.

To get started, clean the fish, free it from the inside, cut off the fins. Sea bass fins are very sharp, so be careful not to cut yourself. When the fish is ready, take the bowl and mix the salt in it along with the spices. Thoroughly grate the fish with the resulting mixture, not only outside but also inside. Sea bass is very easy to salt and pepper. He very quickly absorbs all the seasonings, so be careful - do not overdo it. Then it's up to the onion. Cut it into rings. It is better to choose onions not onions, but a special purple, for salads. But this is a matter of taste. If you want a light bitterness, you can use onions. Do the same with the lemon. Divide it into thin, neat slices.

It remains the case for small. Put the sea bass in a baking bag or wrap it in foil. If you are using a package, be sure to make a few holes in it. This is necessary so that the dish is well baked. In the case of foil, wrap the fish tightly. Place the sea bass itself in the middle, lay the onion along the edges, and lemon on top. To make the taste even more pronounced and saturated, sprinkle the fish with olive oil and send to bake. Set the oven to 190 degrees.

Some housewives love to stuff fish with parsley and dill. If you want a fresher taste, you can try it. Experiment and find your perfect ingredients. In the meantime, a prosperous fish was baked. She took about 40 minutes to do this. Remove it from the oven and serve. Delicate, fragrant treat is ready! Very tasty sea bass will be combined with potatoes, fresh vegetable salad and sauce for seafood.


Royal sea bass

The following recipe for seabass is truly suitable for a royal dinner. The dish that you get at the exit will be breathtakingly delicious. It can become not only an ornament, but a real crown of the table. Provided, of course, that you like seafood. If you can’t wait to get this culinary masterpiece, don’t waste another minute and start cooking.

You will need:

  • 4 sea bass;

  • 100 grams of king prawns;

  • 3-4 octopus;

  • 200 grams of seaweed or kelp;

  • 400 grams of spinach;

  • 200 grams of hard cheese;

  • salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare the fish for further action. Wash it and clean it. Pull out the insides in a slightly non-trivial way - not through the stomach, but through the back. Now the time has come for refueling. Cut the spinach into small pieces or simply tear it with your hands. Pre-boiled king prawns are also divided into small pieces. But leave 2-3 things intact, in order to subsequently decorate the dish with them. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix it with spinach and shrimp in a separate bowl. When the dressing is ready, start her seabass.

To make the taste even more delicate, add a little cream to each fish. And in this form, send them to the oven, bake. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. After 40 minutes, your royal dinner will be ready. Put it on a beautiful plate, decorate octopuses on the edges, decorate shrimps on top. As a side dish, you can serve seaweed to it. So its value will soar to heaven. All! Your royal sea bass, which even a purebred aristocrat would envy, is ready. Households, most likely, will not have to be called, because they themselves will resort to the aroma that spreads in the kitchen. Bon Appetit!


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